View Full Version : shoulder pain

05-11-12, 14:37

Does anybody get left shoulder and chest pain and back that feels sore feel like im having heart attack :-( or its my lungs, suffering with terrible anxiety at the minute, with loose stools so scared x

05-11-12, 15:40
Oh yes shoulder pain is a common complaint of mine specially the left, ATM it is accompanied by pain in the upper part of my left abdomin and have googled all sorts of scary things but trying to tell myself it is tension pain

05-11-12, 15:49
hi kirstynic
ive calmed down a bit now and tried to relax my shoulders and back and it has eased but its like someones stabbing me all over, it sort of jumps round my shoulders arms and back im sick of feeling like this just want to feel normal :-( xx

05-11-12, 18:06
Would love to feel normal,having too many issues at the moment and hard to realise what's real and what's caused by anxiety. I do get some odd pains in so many different places :( xx

05-11-12, 18:44
Hi Hib,

sorry you're anxious at the mo. sometimes I get a really sharp pain in my chest- scares me and makes me think i'm having a heart attack. does it feel more painful when you breath in? if yes, its muscular. there are 100 different things what you describe could be - my cbt therapist told me every time i have a thought about something to do with my health to write down 7 other things it could be. it helps a bit.
