View Full Version : New symptoms have left me worried

05-11-12, 16:52
Hi all.

Just wonering if anyone else has this with there anxiety..

My wrists seem weak and when I try to do things like unscrew a cap from a bottle my hand gives way and i loose grip. Like I was in a situation where I had to sign a form and my anxiety was high and my hand just went limp and i dropped the pen. My fingers and wrist seem to be trembling from the inside. My eye then started twitching and eyebrow..

I am worried because all these years having anxiety i have never had trouble with holding things and even writing on the keyboard now is hard feel like my hands shaking.

How do i stop this :(

05-11-12, 16:57
wow! I can not believe you have just written that.. I am sat here with the exact same thing! It has happened 3 times this week and today I was beginnig to get worried about it.

will be interesting to hear any replies if you don't mind me joining in :)

05-11-12, 17:04
Hiya altho very dreadful i am pleased i have found someone who is going through the same as me, i dont mind at all, please let me know exactly whats been happening to you, have you been dropping things lately? i have.. and writing now my wrist feels like its shaking even tho visibly it isnt!

05-11-12, 17:09
All I can describe it as is a floppy wrist ish.

I feel like my fingers are not gripping properly and like you it is aching to hold a pen. It just feels limp and slightly floaty. I can feel a sort of weakness in my arm like a slightly heavy feeling.

05-11-12, 17:51
That's exactly how my wrist is, floppy! its come on all of a sudden its weird, does it happen when your tired? im starting to think tiredness has something to do with it.

05-11-12, 18:04
I don't think mine is to do with tiredness.. your eye twitching could be though

06-11-12, 21:44
Seems to have been better today, but I kept getting pains in my ankle its one thing after another......

12-11-12, 09:31
i have the EXACT same thing, i have even broken a bowl once from dropping it as my hands felt weak, in fact my whole body feels weak...i have had all the blood tests and they all came back normal (i am only 22) so the doctor said it is just anxiety...oh and i have also had the facial twitching as well as twitching in my toes!

12-11-12, 09:39
I have that when my anxiety is high..I even miss the cup when pouring drinks in it because my hands shake so much and feel so weak. It. is only when my anxiety is quite high though