View Full Version : hi, i,m karen

05-11-12, 17:32
i,m new to this forum, i,m a 51 year old woman who as suffered with anxiety and depression for over 23 years on and off, since my son was born and i suffered from pnd.
just thought it may be nice to chat with other people who understand how i feel, you can only burden friends n family so much can,t you :unsure:?
look forward to hearing from you xxx:D

fozzy is crying
05-11-12, 17:35

05-11-12, 17:44
Hi camperlady

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-11-12, 17:45
Hi Karen :welcome: I am sure you will find lots of support here :)

05-11-12, 17:49
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-11-12, 20:21
awww, thankyou everyone for your welcome messages, i,ve never been on a site like this before but i,m sure i,ll find my way around soon xx:scared15:

05-11-12, 20:43
:D Welcome aboard!

05-11-12, 20:50
Hi Karen, I also have depression and have done for many years now. Everyone here i have personally found to be very supportive and friendly, just when you need them!
I'm sure you'll find it the same. xxx

05-11-12, 21:11
Welcome to the forums! :)

05-11-12, 21:15
just like to :welcome: you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-11-12, 14:58

you will relate to many on here. I have only been here for just under a month and also had never been on a forum before. Look down the left side tab to make yourself familiar with the site .

06-11-12, 18:27
thankyou ricardo, i have been reading the articles and finding them useful, it,s also nice to read the posts and realise you are not alone or crazy but just ill xx:wacko:

06-11-12, 19:34
Hi Karen
Hi and:welcome:
Brilliant site and so informative, read as much as you can its really helped me
Here for a chat if needed:hugs: