View Full Version : freaking out, please help

05-11-12, 18:08
Hi All,

It has been so long since I have posted. Thank God I have really been keeping the anxiety under control. Lately though, I have been feeling very depressed. I did not worry too much as I know the two are so closely related. So, I have just been trying to do the things we all know we need to do... But, I am having a symptoms that I have never in my life experienced, and honestly it is freaking me out. It is hard to explain... I feel like insanely agitated. I am a pretty easy going person, and get along well with others... but I really feel like ANGRY. I cannot pinpoint why, but I feel like jittery and VERY agitated. It scares me so much, b/c I feel like this must be me going crazy. I feel like I need to sequester myself from others b/c i am so scared of how I feel. I feel like I could imagine just jumping off a building or doing something totally nuts. I really just don't feel right... what is this??? TIA

05-11-12, 18:50
Agitation comes hand in hand with anxiety and I know anger can be a symptom as well. I think you should go straight to your GP and tell him how you are feeling. Perhaps in the short term medication may help, long term CBT. Don't suffer in silence you need to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

05-11-12, 21:31
It's all part of anxiety, just rearing it head in a new way! I had a recent spell of feeling so agitated I thought I would go totally crazy!! I was having to jump on the spot to try and burn off the energy and adrenalin. I feared I would lose it and go mad.. But I didn't! It's just anxiety and it's horrible collection of symptoms.

I used a bit of diazepam when it was really bad and relaxation CD's.. Also went for a brisk walk each night to try and tire myself out.

This too shall pass! Jeep telling yourself that. X

---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 21:30 ----------

Or KEEP telling yourself that would probably be better... Lol.. Sorry bloody phone!

08-11-12, 01:56
Thank you both SO much for your replies. As usual, this website has been immensely helpful to me. Honestly, just knowing I am not alone in this is helpful.