View Full Version : Breathlessness and weak muscles

05-11-12, 18:42
Hi I have had breathlessness for months when walking up stairs etc. Now I feel like my legs especially are wweak when walking up stairs etc. I'm so scared. I googled and I have heart failure I think. I'm 28. My doctor has been lying. I gave seen 4 in 2 months about my breathing and not one said I should have a test byte it was anxiety although my anxiety been the best for over a year. I just can't go back into this anxiety he'll. Can heart failure be cured. I feel sick

05-11-12, 21:41
Hi have you had any blood tests I have felt like this before and I found out I was anemic once and then I had low ferretin both make you feel breathless and weak also anxiety can make you feel like that. Take care toria x

05-11-12, 22:09
Thanks for reply. Not yet. Had loads over last few years though. It has to be heart failure. Cant be anxiety. Diazepam not helping tonight . What will a breath test detect. This breathlessness is horrible when I walk up or anything

05-11-12, 22:16
Google can not examine you so don't believe what google says...your symptoms could be many things and yes one of them is anxiety. If you are still concerned go back to your doctor and ask for further tests but do not google. Ask your doctor to arrange an ECG then it will put your mind at rest and reassure you. I get breathless when walking and feel weak but I know it is my anxiety making me feel this way.

05-11-12, 22:20
I to get very breathless and im always extremly tired , but I no its my anxiety ,what makes you think you have heart failure Dr google , the only Dr I listen to I my own try to trust your Dr xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

05-11-12, 22:29
Hi practically I think you should possibly go to the walk in center within your local town or city. To get another independent opinion and an opinion from a different doctor and explain your concerns, be very specific about what's happening and what u think it it and tell them you want further tests doing because it's causing you worry and distress!
However google..... You should never google symptoms because although I was in a high state of anxiety last year I google symptoms and NHS symptom checker came up I answered only a few out of the 10 or so questions and it told me to call an ambulance, I major freaked out - full panic mode!!!!

The chances of it being heart failure is that by now you would probably know about it.
I think it's more blood based like someone's already mentioned ie, iron levels or somthing.
I'm anaemic and it causes some major issues and when I've been anxious it's made it worse! Also because you think the worse your proberbly over thinking and your symptoms seem more severe!

Im a biomedical scientist and have studied loads about breathlessness and exercise and it's effects and blood, etc and honestly I think you have got a blood deficiency and your getting yourself wound up so much your begging to pay attention to everything your bodies doing. The minds a powerful thing, I've learnt never to under estimate the power of the brain - it can just take over, it's scary.

Do get checked out, ask for a full blood count & look after yourself eat leafy greens stay of mucus causing foods I.e diary and grease drink plenty of fluids and avoid coffee ( i can't hmmm) take a supplement containing b vitamins and iron drink orange juice irons absorbed better and agin diary interrupts iron absorption. So limit diary but don't cut out just have less u do obviously need diary bit D and calcium and also ADEC Vito's are fat absorbing so are just urinated out if no fat present to absorb! so limit diary, increase vit C & take iron, fluids water and no coffee!

Hope this helps please stay away from googling symptoms XX

05-11-12, 22:48
I get it also, and it does get worse with anxiety. When you think about it, and concentrate, or focus on it, I think it definitely gets worse. I agree with above, make an appointment with your Doctor, and you will feel much better. :)