View Full Version : Hi anyone on sertraline?

05-11-12, 18:49
Hey Guys,

My name is Laura and ive been on sertraline for a year now, taking 150mg a day. Does anyone else suffer from paranoia and anxiety on this medication?


oh no_1
05-11-12, 18:56
i was on that and perserved for 9 weeks on it but the side effects were horrendous.... was off work jus cos of side effects from it

05-11-12, 18:59
Hi Lauzolfc

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-11-12, 15:12
Yes i was on 50mg for 4 weeks now im on day 2 on 100mg and i must say i feel like im nit here, paranoid somethings guna happen to me but i have always felt that way lately so im unsure if its the meds.
What caused your anxiety? Mine is pure fear that i have a brain tumour and im going to loose my memory or forget people and places. I have to go over things in my head to makesure i still no certain things, almost like an OCD i guess. Constant butterflies and im fed up if this!

07-11-12, 22:07
Hi, I have just started a new relationship with a guy whose 12 years older than me and even though i know i can trust him i just keep getting paranoid thinking hes gone off me or has met someone else etc

fozzy is crying
07-11-12, 22:21

07-11-12, 22:38
:welcome: just like to hi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

little scientist
08-11-12, 11:13
Hi, I have just started a new relationship with a guy whose 12 years older than me and even though i know i can trust him i just keep getting paranoid thinking hes gone off me or has met someone else etc

I met a new partner last year who is ten years older than me, I too started to get paranoid he didn't love me but since going back on my meds I can see quite a bit more clearly!

08-11-12, 15:15
What meds are you on little scientist?

08-11-12, 15:35
Just starting this medication myself Laura, so i will be paying close attention to the replies!

10-11-12, 00:38
I was fine with this after about four weeks of hellish side effects which included poor appetite constant diahrhoea and insomnia. Once the side effects wore off it really helped.

Tyke :)

15-11-12, 18:41
Lucky you that its working, Ive been on it nearly a year i think and everytime i think im getting better i just wake up in the morning and boom back to feeling rubbish again
