View Full Version : Chest X Ray - Heart worry :( Please Help

05-11-12, 19:45
Hi all,

Ive been battling a really bad chest infection since 9th Oct and the Drs have tried all sorts of meds - none have worked. During these past few weeks Ive had 2 chest xrays to check my lungs, both of which Ive been told are normal - but today I saw my GP, who was reading through the xray reports and on both it said 'the heart is situated on the higher side of normal'.... WHAT is that supposed to mean?! I asked my Dr, who laughed and muttered something about it being down to a number of factors and that I dont have high BP so not to worry. BUT I do have bad palpitations - all the time!!

Ive had ECGs and bloods in the past, all of which have been normal. Now Ive been stupidly googling it and all that keeps coming up is enlarged heart and people dropping dead of heart attacks and heart disease etc etc. Im only 29, and I really am scared something is going on and no one wants to do anything about it.

Does anyone know what 'situated on the higher side of normal' might even mean? Does that mean enlarged heart?? Im so worried, so any advice would help me so , so much.

Many thanks

05-11-12, 20:00
To me it sounds like the location of your heart is a bit higher then normal but I am sure if they were worried at all they would be getting you in for a lot more tests