View Full Version : Anxious about blood test results :'(

05-11-12, 22:43
So today i went for some blood tests because this last two weeks my anxiety has been unbearable. They are gonna test my kidneys,liver and check for dibeties , anemia vitamin 12 and glocose and im so worried about the results encase they find something else and its making me more anxious. I have had this panic/anxiety prob for years and only now getting tests done because im feeling worse with them. Its now affecting my head where i feel really light headed and feel like im gonna pass out and have weird sensationsin my head where that starts me off. i have never had that before until the last 2 weeks im worrying all the time that this could be something else. :'( :'( :'( does anyone else have wired sensations going through their head even if ur not panicking ???

05-11-12, 22:54
Yes I do. They will do all the other tests to rule out anything else. I have had loads of blood tests and all normal so all my symptoms are anxiety.

06-11-12, 06:54
kelly, i too have health anxiety, and if i were to write down every weird symptoms that i have had, anxious at the time or not, i would run out of paper... honestly anxiety does some strange stuff to the body, and we are so tuned in to our bodies that we notice every single thing that goes on and try to find some significance for it, and most of the time its unexplained , thats anxiety for you. i have recently had a set of bloods done after being put on medication for high blood pressure, and they all came back fine... and i was convinced that they wouldnt.
when i was at the height of my anxiety many years ago, i was hospitailised as i was so distressed and was so dizzy i was wheeled up to the bathroom in a wheelchair as i felt i couldnt stand up and walk because of the dizziness, in my head i had something dreadful wrong with me, and i was about to die any moment, after all i had ' the proof'.... but you know what it was ...major anxiety.... little word, BIG impact. if you can lessen your anxiety, the symptoms will lessen, sometimes it takes a while, so dont lose heart, it will not be an instant thing... but honestly anxiety is a bugger, it deserves an oscar for what it puts us through...