View Full Version : Lyme??

Anxious lu
05-11-12, 22:49
Is anybody able to tell me about Lyme disease without petrifying me.. Trying not to google .. Not aware of being bitten by a tick by think it's possible I have it?

05-11-12, 22:52
What makes you think you have it? What are your symptoms?

Anxious lu
05-11-12, 22:59
Anxiety, numbness, light sensitivity, aching muscles sometimes joints, clicks hip joint some days, pain in arms hands legs, twitches over body.

I think that's it at the moment.. These come and go but all flare up at the same time.. :-S

---------- Post added at 22:59 ---------- Previous post was at 22:57 ----------

Also I have experienced a uti headaches, skin sensations, itchy scalp sometimes..

05-11-12, 23:00
A tuck would have attached itself to you and you would have noticed it. X

Anxious lu
05-11-12, 23:03
I'm fed up this can't all be anxiety! :-( thank for the replies

05-11-12, 23:08
Have you spoken to your doctor? X

Anxious lu
05-11-12, 23:12
Not asked about Lyme as I've only discovered it. Ha an MRI about two months ago so if it was anything worse I thought I would know by now.. Although it still plagues me that they haven't told me something yet...

05-11-12, 23:13
You would have to be somewhere that had a lot of ticks and you would know you had been bitten.

Are you googling and trying to find a reason other than anxiety for your problems by any chance?

Anxious lu
05-11-12, 23:18
I managed to stop googling things. But I'll be honest I am googling trying to find what else it could be other than ms because I have convinced myself I hae something like that..

You know when you think your so ill you want to be ill but less ill?

05-11-12, 23:28
The problem with googling is that you are always going to end up with worst case scenario. Your doctor is the only person who should be diagnosing you x

Anxious lu
05-11-12, 23:33
No I know this I never google anymore I can't it makes me I'll.. I already presume the worst case senator in my head Lyme isn't bad compared to what I believe I have..

Do you guys honestly believe if I had ms or something of that kind it would show on my MRI over a month ago and I would know already?

05-11-12, 23:44
Yes it would have shown on your MRI. You need to find a way to trust in what you are being told, you have had all the tests and you will make yourself ill obsessing like this. X

---------- Post added at 23:44 ---------- Previous post was at 23:42 ----------

It doesn't get more thorough than MRI so take some relief from that and move on. Anxiety can make you feel so ill, I know it's hard to believe but it's absolutely true! X

Anxious lu
05-11-12, 23:55
Aw thanks hun.. I only get concerned because the MRI wasnt for ms but they see everything on there don't they..

You guys have chilled me out .. for now :-) I wish I had continued with councilling it's hard to believe it will work

06-11-12, 00:15
Aw thanks hun.. I only get concerned because the MRI wasnt for ms but they see everything on there don't they..

You guys have chilled me out .. for now :-) I wish I had continued with councilling it's hard to believe it will work

Well it won't work if you don't go :)

Anxious lu
06-11-12, 00:22
Lol very true :-) problem was it was councilling over the phone.. I felt better than found it hard to make the time with Uni and work.. Missed a call here and then due to having a lot on and they stopped.. My own fault I know .. At the time I felt well and didn't push to get them back :-(

---------- Post added at 00:22 ---------- Previous post was at 00:20 ----------

Btw looking back through this post.. Spelling is so bad sorry I'm using an iPhone which decides what you want to write for you lol