View Full Version : Worried about kids

06-11-12, 01:22
Ok now that I know I'm ok I am obsessing about my kids. I had them both go for blood work about three months ago and both came back good. But my so always seems kind of sick with a cold or always sleepy like, he's 15. My daughter can brake a bone so easy just broke her pinky finger hitting a volley ball. Do you think I should get more tests done? I wanted my son to get a lung x ray cause hes always coughing but the doctor says he doesn't want to expose him to radiation if its no needed. I'm so worried that maybe it's a cancer.

06-11-12, 01:40
If I am honest then No leave them be.

You are transferring your own problems on to them now and that is not healthy in my opinion.

How many broken bones has your daughter had?

With the son you say always sick - is that really always or just occasionally

Answer these questions for yourself then decide if you really need to be concerned.

06-11-12, 08:00
I do this - I am fine about me, but worry about the kids.
Anyhow, yours do sound fine. Try not to worry. I have worried so much that my brain is supersensitive, and picks up worries too easily now.

06-11-12, 08:38
My biggest fears are about my kids. my son is 18 months old and I am freaked out that he has autism. It's all I think about. I know how hard it is, but we have to really try not to pass our anxiety on to our kids, It isn't fair on them, we have to keep it to ourselves if we can. I am also a teacher working with teenagers and believe me, they are always picking up colds and infections, they spread around school like wildfire. Teenegers are sleepy a lot too, sometimes they don't go to bed early enough or they're just lethargic. I am sure of their blood tests came back ok then you have nothing to worry about.

06-11-12, 14:15
I think your kids are perfectly fine. Don't transfer your anxiety to them.
I am also constantly worrying about my kids, but I don't show it.
I don't want them to end up like me!!