View Full Version : new here vision gone crazy please help

06-11-12, 09:24
Hi everyone

I'm new here have suffered from health anxiety for about ten years. It got a lot worse a year and a half ago when my retina detached spontaneously when I was 17 weeks pregnant.

My anxiety has been focussed on my vision mainly since then.

Over the past 2 weeks I have noticed several odd things I'm wondering if it could be anxiety as emergency eye department did dilated eye exam gave all clear and position did too. Just said my prescription had got worse.

Me symptoms are

flickering peripheral vision
vision vibrates if I open my eyes really wide
tiny blue spots of light every so often in different area of vision fir a split second
visual snow in dark rooms
ectopic phenomenon when looking at blue sky or white walls etc

I have queried pvd but flickering is different to what I experienced pre detachment.

I am worried about brain tumours and ms

Will see gp later today but don't think he'll refer me for mri

Can anyone relate?

Bel x

06-11-12, 12:03
Ok thanks

By doctor for eye treatment do you mean one who dealt with detached retina cos I'm no longer under his care but I have emailed him.

I take it then you don't thinking is anxiety relayed?


06-11-12, 12:13
Many of those symptoms are anxiety related. I suffer from anxiety and I get a lot of these symptoms. As you are worried about and focussing on your eyes, it makes those symptoms worse!

06-11-12, 12:35
Hi ziggy

Which symptoms do you have?

I also have a headache today so brain tumour anxiety is through the roof!

06-11-12, 12:37
I can relate and also sympathise. I have blurred vision, floaters weird light flashes ,amongst other things. Have had brain mri which was clear and seen an eye specialist and everything was fine. Been told it can be linked to dehydration, but no idea if this is true. Mine has been put down as yet another symptoms of anxiety.

06-11-12, 19:22
Seen my gp tonight.

It wasn't a great experience tbh!

He said he didn't think it was brain tumour or ms but that he wouldn't do an mri incase it did shows cos there's nothing you can do about.it except worry .... great!

My blood pressure is borderline high and I'm having full set of blood tests in 2 weeks time to check iron thyroid inflammation markers etc

I asked if it could be anxiety or eye strain he said it could

So I'm non the wiser and now worrying about what blood tests may show

Bel x

07-11-12, 19:50
Politely bumping my own post :blush:

07-11-12, 20:37
Hi isybelle
I have the same vision symptoms as you , and have done for a few years ,
It all started back in the mid 90s I had my first optic migraine . Scared the life out of me, looking for answers ( too scared to visit the doctor ) I hit the medical books , no internet then , and found migraine aura but I had no head ache !
A couple of years ago I ( six years may be ) whilst under a lot of stress I started to get optic migraines again , this time I had dr google , wow so many people suffer with this. Hey presto my fear vanished . But not for long , any other anxeity symptoms I can cope with , be realistic with , but not this , I don't know why , I know they don't harm me , and when I get a optic migraine , during it I'm quite relaxed ! It's the next day the anxiety kicks in .
As for the other symptoms I think it's a case of watching your self to closely , and noticing every thing . When focused on somthing inportant or perhaps holiday a hobby perhaps the symptoms go , that's anxiety for you.
I hope I've been of help.

08-11-12, 23:30
Hi isybelle, I've also been having problems with my vision. It's been one of my health worries for years. Last November I got really panicked about my eyes being blurry and went to the opticians, the optician said that my vision was ok (hadn't really changed, I have quite a mild prescription and I'm a bit long sighted) but there had been some pigment changes, so she referred me to the hospital. I saw the doctor in May and he said that my eyes are ok, apparently the optician thought I had some scarring (she didn't explain this to me) but I have pigmented retinae because I'm mixed race and have darker skin. I think there had been some benign changes too.

Last month I got in a panic again because I was getting flashes out of the corner of my eye occasionally (white/lighter flashes) and darker flashes more often above my eyes (sort of like the lights were flickering). I went to my doctor and he said it didn't sound like anything but I should see the optician if I felt I needed to, to put my mind at rest. So I did (a different one) and he said my eyes were alright but to go to the doctor/come back/go to A&E if it got worse (I think because if it got worse it could be a detached retina). He also said it could be a visual migraine (maybe also because sometimes when I was looking at a notebook I would be noticing the spiral binding out of the corner of my eye, like it was "jumping out at me" and a similar thing happened with lines on a page) but it didn't seem like one to me, compared to what I've read on here. Since then I haven't been getting the flashes as much but my eyesight has been more blurry lately (without glasses). Sometimes I don't need to wear my glasses as much and other times I do.

That's a shame that your doctor wasn't very helpful. He said that if the MRI showed something was wrong, there was nothing that could be done about it? Sorry, just got confused. :)

I think anxiety is a lot to do with it, I definitely think it makes my eyes worse. Hope that helps to know it's not just you. :)

P.S. You mentioned your eyes vibrating- four years ago I was going through a very bad time and when I got really worked up it was like my eyes were "bouncing around the room", like I couldn't focus. So that could well be anxiety.

29-11-12, 09:00
The blue sparks a're getting worse I'm sure it must be a brain tumour or ms. Blood tests all came back normal but I'm in pieces today. I'm not imagining it these blue sparks and flashes are happening all the time. I can't even get excited for Christmas :(

Bel x

29-11-12, 10:07
Please try and relax on this one,

i had an episode maybe 4 years ago now where my vision went funny and i couldnt see properly, for weeks and months and even now every so often i get it and then i would panic which would make the flashing lights and vision so much worse.

I had been to A&E they sent me home, been to my doctors numerous times who sent me to a neurologist who said i had started to get Aura Migraines. I dont get a headache at all although i start to feel very sick but i think that is down to the panic that sets in when its happening.

These can last for days for me and its something ive learned to deal with. Doesnt stop me from now thinking i have something else terminal though!

Please try and stop worrying about this im sure youll be fine and its all part of anxiety


29-11-12, 10:31
Thank you for replying

I wish I could believe this is migraines but it seems too random and doesn't fit what Dr Google says!

My symptoms are also worse in the morning so that makes me think it's cos of pressure on my brain :(

Bel x

29-11-12, 10:52
Its so hard not visit Dr Google i know but please try, i have managed to stay away from him today hoping ill last the day out but im freaking myself out sitting here!!

i thought i had a brain tumor when it was happening to me but im still here 4/5 years later!

I currently have Esophagel cancer according to Dr Google, ive had it for about 4 days now :/
