View Full Version : ITS BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13-08-06, 20:42
Hi All.

Well i havenīt posted on here for a long time, i finally got over my anxiety and fear that i was dying of throat & oesophaguel cancer, this forum was right as soon as i calmed down the symptoms went away. But now the anxietys back, it started when my mum had a growth removed which turned out to be skin cancer, luckly the geowth was non malignant but it has just set my mind racing again.

Lately, when me & my husband have had sex i have bled afterwards, this is unusual for me and has only been since i had my baby, i did have a large tear, i dont know if this would affect it, but i have also been haing period type pains when i am not on, although if i am honest its probably around ovulation time, and i do suffer with pains. My husband said the bleeding after sex has only been if it is within a day or 2 of finishing my period, he probably right BUT i googled my symptoms and am coming up with cervical and ovarian cancer, the silent killers. I am too young to have had a smear.

So now my symtpoms are esclating to nausea, stomach pains headaches. I was really feeling good to. i wish i could feel ok again. god i hate this anxiety.


13-08-06, 20:54
why not call your gp's surgery on monday and enquire about a smear test---the little bleed may not happen again, it may just be a one off--if you find out about having a smear test this may put your mind at rest that you don't have any thing serious to worry about
take care

13-08-06, 20:56
Hi there and welcome back.

Well done on getting over the anxiety - great news.

Sorry to hear about your mum but glad that she is ok.

I too have bled after sex and yes it was usually within 1 or days or having a period so I think that is normal.

We have another current post about ovarian cancer so you may want to read the replies on there....

WORRIED I"VE GOT OVARIAN CANCER (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=12381)

I appreciate that you do need a smear if you are aged under 25 but I did read that individual circumstances can be taken into consideration so your doctor may recommend one if he feels it necessary.

Maybe a quick visit to the docs would reassure you but I am sure you will be fine.

Take care ok.


13-08-06, 21:51
My brother's girlfriend refuses to have sex when she's on her period as she doesn't want blood on the sheets, if that helps.

14-08-06, 16:19
I bleed too after sex and when I have a smear and its because I have a cervical erosion. These are quite common after giving birth so it could be possibly what you have. It is nothing to worry about at all and is very common. Like Farrah suggests, go and see your doctor and she can put your mind at rest.
love Helen

14-08-06, 18:21
My sis had that giddy. The doc told her to let her hubby know he should go a bit gentler lol :D
But if i have sex within about 3 or 4 days of my period stopping, it seems to happen. I put it down to the last part of it prehaps.

Pete to win Big Brother 7

14-08-06, 20:58
this is how my anxiety started, i was bleeding in between periods so i assumed the worst and got carried away with the thoughts. i was also bleeding after nookie and i have period pain mid cycle too. its ovulation pain, my bleeding was just a minor infection, i had had shingles so all my body was upset and all over the place. dont worry too much about it go and have a swab like me and they also look at your cervix and reassure you, also ask for a smear test even if you are not due for one they have to do it if you ask. all these things sound norm to me.
take care

we are all stronger people after having this