View Full Version : Experiment??

06-11-12, 10:37
Anyone up for doing a little experiment with me?
What i'm going to do is not google any symptoms for the next month. I'm sick of this thing ruining my life and life's short enough without worrying about every little thing.
So if you want to join me we can post on here and let each other know how we're doing and support each other rather than seeing our private doctor google who is very quick to diagnose our fate.

06-11-12, 11:37
Yes, please.
I'll join
It will be hard, though

06-11-12, 13:38
Great, so let's do it! i nearly failed just now, didn't give in though.
make sure you come here instead of googling random symptoms!
Do you google and then if something trivial comes up keep trying until you find something deadly!? I do :ohmy:

06-11-12, 13:58
Why not use the search facility on here as your Google so you can still search for things but will come up with many harmless reasons for the problems and none of the ones that scare you to death!

fozzy is crying
06-11-12, 13:59
Anyone up for doing a little experiment with me?
What i'm going to do is not google any symptoms for the next month. I'm sick of this thing ruining my life and life's short enough without worrying about every little thing.
So if you want to join me we can post on here and let each other know how we're doing and support each other rather than seeing our private doctor google who is very quick to diagnose our fate.


Not just Google it should include all search engines.


06-11-12, 16:58
Great, we'll stop searching then and see if our HA goes down or stays the same.

06-11-12, 19:37
I'm in.

06-11-12, 22:04
Great. Let's do this and see if we improve, it has to be better than terrifying ourselved. remeber that saying "ignorance is bliss" ?

08-11-12, 10:05
How are you doing? Managed to stay away? I haven't given in yet and i actually feel quite calm. I've wanted to google a few times but resisted!
Hope you're all doing well?

08-11-12, 10:34
I want to participate too. Google is most certainly not my friend. :) I was doing well until I started again this morning - bah! Must stop, must stop...