View Full Version : Getting worked up & stressed

06-11-12, 11:44
I'm getting myself worked up & stressed this morning. It's over silly things, but I'm starting to feel like I don't want to do anything today except sit here in my pyjamas and cry :(

I decided that today I would arrange to switch our gas & electric, to try to save us a bit of money now that all the prices are going up (extra important as hubby is the only one working at the moment). Our current supplier's online bill archive is down though, and I can't get our bills, which means that I can't do a proper comparison. I've called them to ask for the bills to be emailed, but I was on hold for nearly half an hour and was getting more wound up & stressed by the minute :(

Also, this morning I found a part-time job I could maybe apply for. I read the job & person specification and think it would suit me quite well, and it's not too many hours either, so I clicked to download the application form and that website crashed at that very moment too. Now I'm wishing I'd just downloaded the application form first, because I don't want to spend the whole day waiting for the website to be back up and talking myself out of applying like I've done before.

I'm still in my PJs, the washing up needs doing, I need to go to the shop, the ferrets need feeding, some laundry needs putting on, dinner will need preparing at some point, I'm cold but I don't have any 'get up and go' to do anything about any of those things now (let alone go dancing tonight) as I'm just thinking "what's the point?" :(

06-11-12, 11:49
Oh Leah, you have been doing so well and positive. I can understand how this mornings events have stressed you. Hanging on the phone really stresses me. I never use bad language but after almost 2 hours on the phone to BT once I got so agitated that I told him to **** off! My kids were horrified! They had never heard me even use a small swear word before! :hugs::hugs: xx

06-11-12, 11:50
Oh Leah, you have been doing so well and positive. I can understand how this mornings events have stressed you. Hanging on the phone really stresses me. I never use bad language but after almost 2 hours on the phone to BT once I got so agitated that I told him to **** off! My kids were horrified! They had never heard me even use a small swear word before! :hugs::hugs: xx

LOL Annie that made me laugh :D I think it would make anyone swear

06-11-12, 11:54
I can't even motivate myself to move away from the laptop. I'm just sat here, with freezing fingers, obsessively refreshing both of the web pages that aren't working in the hope that they'll come back up, and my email to see if EDF have sent the bills through (they haven't so far).

06-11-12, 11:58
The worst of it was that my hubby always said "The day you hear me or your Mam use bad language is the day you can!" Even after that episode I can say I have never heard my 2 boys swear and I know my daughter does occasionally but she would never dare in our house :D

---------- Post added at 11:58 ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 ----------

Changing energy providers is always a pain and I just cannot understand why they have so many different tariffs. Put the kettle on Leah, have a break and a cuppa :hugs: xx

06-11-12, 12:01
I probably swear more than I should (though not the really bad words, more just bloody, bugger etc.), but even then only at home and not when my in-laws are present! I remember the first time I swore in my old job (I got frustrated and said "Oh bloody buggering hell" or something) the whole office was dumbstruck as they'd taken the impression that I was "too nice" to swear, lol.

I've just seen that there is an email address / telephone number on the job advert to ask for an application pack. I don't really feel up to telephoning, but do you think it would be alright if I emailed? Should I make some excuse about why I haven't called if so...?

06-11-12, 12:14
If there is an email address to ask for it just email...you don't have to explain xx

06-11-12, 12:22
Ok, I've emailed, and one of the bills has come through from EDF, so I'm going to at least see if I can manage to get dressed & go to the shop now! lol

06-11-12, 12:25
I hope your day gets better Leah :hugs: xx

06-11-12, 14:22
Managed to get myself up, dressed, put some laundry on, go to the shop & feed the ferrets before having some lunch just now. I think the washing up can whistle - hubby can do it later as I've done enough for now!

I've had my energy bills through, organised the switchover, and had an email about the job saying that an application pack will be in the post to me today, so all's well that ends well (except that my lunch wasn't very nice, but c'est la vie - I'm going to make up for that by eating a muffin!)

fozzy is crying
06-11-12, 14:51

06-11-12, 14:52
Thanks Fozzy :)