View Full Version : Panic

06-11-12, 12:11
I had a really traumatic event last week. I was in a restaurant and my group of friends had a confrontation with a rude stranger that escalated very quickly and was awful. Confrontation and arguments are a HUGE trigger for my anxiety. I ended up being sick and having a panic attack, and I don't know how I managed to get into their car to drive back home.

Ever since I've felt underlying anxiety, and whenever I think about it I've felt panicky. I don't even want to see the friends, and I have fallen into the pattern of doing anything to feel 'safe'.

How can I move on?

06-11-12, 17:06
You just slowly need to stop doing the safe stuff and get back out there bit by bit

06-11-12, 17:41
It is extremely hard to move forward with such an anxiety provoking situation as you went through with your friends.
But, YOU HAVE TOO! No matter how difficult it is to pick yourself up and face your friends, DO IT. You don't want to end up like me 18 years as a hermit, because that is what will happen.
Sorry to be so blunt, I am only trying to help.