View Full Version : They are putting me on medication. Really nervous!

06-11-12, 15:57
Well I been suffering from anxiety since august, and its just gradually getting worse, so I guess my parents and doctor finally decided to put me on medication.

They won't tell me which one they are putting me on since I don't go googling side effects and stuff, which I admit, I would probably do, but they said this medicine doesn't have that many side effects and is really good with teenagers. (I am 16)

I have to go see my doctor for a long talk on Thursday, and my mom said shes going to tell me about the medicine and ask me questions and stuff. That part kind of makes me nervous since a long talk with the doctor is kind of scary, and i'm not good at the doctors as it is. I don't know what they are going to tell me or what kind of questions they are going to ask me

I'm so nervous about going on them its unbelievable. I don't know if i can do it. I don't think i will be able too. What if i have a reaction and end up dead or something. I'm so scared guys.

---------- Post added at 15:57 ---------- Previous post was at 15:55 ----------

forgot to mention that i start friday, after the talk with my doc on thursday. THIS FRIDAY! :(

06-11-12, 16:06
Clank I understand your nervous ,but you carnt carry on the way you are ,just remember its probabley just to explain everything to you, I to dont like taking medcine ,but sometimes in life we have to ,try it if its not right for you go back to your Doctors just see what happens first im sure you will be fine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:

06-11-12, 16:11
I don't think I can do it. what if there are dangerous side effects. I know mostly all anxiety medications have side effects. I cant do it. I know that all i will be thinking about when i take them is how i feel and probably feel weird and have weird effects and probably end up in the hospital because im so scared.

06-11-12, 16:19
you may get side effects off them if you do im sure they will go ,but on the other hand you may not get any and they might make you feel better ,try and be positive your worrying will make you feel even see what the doctors says xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-11-12, 16:30
I think that ill be so worked up that ill end up being worse than better. Why do I have to go to the doctors and have a long talk with her? why does she have to ask me questions? Is it because if i answer something wrong or correctly. that she won't give the medicine to me since i have a reaction to it and end up dead? I dont know i dont think i can do it

06-11-12, 18:23
The medication might help you though. I was terrified to start ecsitalopram ... I had a panic attack after taking the first pill because I got so worked up about it but I kept going. I had side-effects (nothing awful, just insomnia, fatigue, headache a little) for two or three weeks and now I feel great. I am so glad I started the meds as I don't know where I'd be right now if I did not. There is a chance you will have side effects, there is a chance you wont, but there is an even greater chance that the medication will do what it is supposed to do and help you to feel better! :hugs:

---------- Post added at 13:23 ---------- Previous post was at 13:22 ----------

Also you probably have to go to the doctor to speak with her so that she can pick out the right medication for you. Even between SSRIs some work better for some anxiety and depression than others. She probably just needs to pick one that will fit the best and explain what you might experience.

06-11-12, 18:37
They said they already picked out the medication for me, they just don't want me to know the name of it. Insomnia and fatigue im not worried about. its all the other ones that can be really scary. I dont really know the side effects of anxiety meds so im nervous :\

harrys mummy
06-11-12, 19:11
Hi Clank, please try not to worry about medication. Ive been on the same medication for meny years now and although i still get anxiety i havent had a panic attack in years! If it wasnt for my meds god knows what I would be like, theres no shame in taking meds either, although some people say there is, if it makes you feel better go for it thats what I say!! xx

06-11-12, 19:19
I really want to go on them! I take cbt too and i head medicine and cbt are really good together and help with anxiety a whole lot. So thats what i want to do. Im just scared of the side effects it may bring. I dont know a whole lot about the side effects. but they are probably really scary and awful!

fozzy is crying
06-11-12, 19:30
Eric give it a go and do not worry. You have nothing to loose and potentially a hell of a lot to gain. The Doctor and family are supporting you well it seems and they will have your best interests in mind. Trust them you are so lucky to have family that understands, most do not.

Even if you find out what the drug is do not go googling or asking others about it. What is OK for one person is not for another and researching it will not tell you how it will be for you and only make you worry for nothing. Ask the Doctor if there are any side effects you should look out for and if you get any what to do. He will know by the drug and your medical history which if any you might get. If there is a side effect problem he will tell you to go back to him as soon as you can so he can sort them out. We are all different.

I wish you the best and keep us up-to-date on your journey to a much better life.


06-11-12, 20:29
I am going to take the medicine anyways, i am just really nervous of dangerous side effects. I feel like ill be so nervous that ill talk myself into having them. Do you know any potential side effects i might have?

fozzy is crying
06-11-12, 20:37
I am going to take the medicine anyways, i am just really nervous of dangerous side effects. I feel like ill be so nervous that ill talk myself into having them. Do you know any potential side effects i might have?

You are not going to get an dangerous side effects. If and only if you did get any your Doctor will help you with them and no one can tell you what you might or might not get especially as even you do not know what they are going to give you.

Just relax and tell yourself everything is going to be absolutely fine.


06-11-12, 20:46
I am going to try and relax as much as I can but, probably wont be since i have trouble with being relaxed. I am always jittery and twitchy and nervous. still dont understand why my doctor needs a long talk with me though.

fozzy is crying
06-11-12, 20:54
I am going to try and relax as much as I can but, probably wont be since i have trouble with being relaxed. I am always jittery and twitchy and nervous. still dont understand why my doctor needs a long talk with me though.

He will be wanting to help you as much as he can be explaining it all and letting you ask questions. You should be very pleased it is a long chat as that means he cares. If it was a short one then you might have reason to panic.

Just think how good this and to pay him back say to yourself I am not going to worry and I will kick myself and laugh if I do.


06-11-12, 22:12
Yes ill try to think positive! but my head is full of negative thoughts so it won't be easy.

06-11-12, 22:45
Hi clank I've had the same big issue of not wanting take antibiotics when I was at the height of my panic, I was major paranoid so called the emergency services!! So I can really relate & I'm 31 with 2 kids & I've had antibiotics so many times but, when I suffered with anxiety for the first time 2011, I was convinced I'd stop breathing, was in a right state!
Eventually after 48 hours and severe toothache & starvation I gave in and forced myself to sleep. I was fine in the end, totally irrational of me, put that's what anxiety does, it takes hold of your mind! U will be fine, I'm sure:winks:

07-11-12, 18:10
Hi clank I've had the same big issue of not wanting take antibiotics when I was at the height of my panic, I was major paranoid so called the emergency services!! So I can really relate & I'm 31 with 2 kids & I've had antibiotics so many times but, when I suffered with anxiety for the first time 2011, I was convinced I'd stop breathing, was in a right state!
Eventually after 48 hours and severe toothache & starvation I gave in and forced myself to sleep. I was fine in the end, totally irrational of me, put that's what anxiety does, it takes hold of your mind! U will be fine, I'm sure:winks:
did you doctor have you come in before they put you on them to have a talk with you? I dont know why my doctor needs a talk with me and ask me questions. thats kind of weird and making me kind of nervous.

07-11-12, 19:02
your doctor just wants to explain things to you and reassure you by the sound of it ,I dont think its weird why do you ,I think you need to understand he is there to help you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

07-11-12, 23:59
Ok i just figured out that i go in to talk to my doctor NEXT thursday, not tomorrow, and my mom says she wants to talk about side effects with me. but that makes no sense whatsoever. if i start the medicine this friday, i would probably find out the side effects then. so why do i have to go in for her tell me about them. doesnt make sense. so confused

13-11-12, 12:02
Hi clank how are you doing?

Just a thought , maybe the doc wants to talk to you about you and how your feeling , like a general chit chat , your parents may have spoken to the doc ?? and expressed there concerns??? So in tandem with getting your meds the doctor may feel that he just needs to see u for himself & have a little chat about u and your well being ?? Just a suggestion