View Full Version : Excessive yawning - help

14-08-06, 09:24
Feel terrible.

Got sent home on Friday as came over all dizzy, and sick, and basically flaked out!
Went to Docs as never felt that bad before that quickly and she said, it wouldnt suprise her if i was preggers.

Not after only 2 weeks off the pill??? Anyway I think its a tumour or something! Still feel dizzy, cant test for pregnancy as not due on period for another 2 weeks!

Another thing is all i keep doing is yawning. I am not tired...But i am terrified this is another symptom of a tumour. Taking up the space in my brain and the oxygen, therefore i have to yawn for more oxygen.

Is this crazy, does anyone else suffer this symptom. Also my concentration is rubbish, cant think of the words i want to use!!!!

Am really frightened, doc just keeps sending me off saying it this that and the other....I want an MRI!

please help :(:(:(:(:(:(

Hay x

Silly Blonde
14-08-06, 09:45
Oh dear Hayles.

What are we like eh? I'm sure its nothing - yep you may be pregnant but its more likely to be the anxiety.

I too felt great on my honeymoon and it was only when I got back to work when I started to get the tummy ache etc etc.

Anxiety seems to attack our weakest point - mine is my tummy, yours is obviously your head!

My mum died from a brain tumour and although I'm not going to go into all the symptoms, they were nothing like yours!!!

No babies for me for the foreseable - now I'm back on mirtazapine. Still - at least I'll know to drop down a little more slowly next time!!

SB xx

14-08-06, 10:31
try a pregnancy test you never no it might give you a result.

constant yawning can be pregnancy, its a strange tiredness


14-08-06, 10:50
you could be pregnant, as they say you are most fertile immediately after stopping the pill!...like jackie says early pregnancy tierdness is different..you are uterliy exhausted , i know i was....anyway there is an early pregnancy test you can use , a couple of days before period is due, i think its called first response, i used it last time....
other than that they are anxiety symptoms too...so i guess you will have to wait and see!
You havent got no tumour,i thought just like you, and went private for an MRI, as i was convinced and made myself so ill about this "tumour" that wasnt there....and you know what even when i saw my scans and could clearly see there was no tumour, i still had my symptoms, maybe not has bad, but it really didnt reassure me enough to forget about it....its the anxiety we have to get rid of, and the more you think you have a tumour the more your symptoms will intensify...
take care you will be fine

14-08-06, 11:01
Thanks for all your reassurances, love you all for the time you take to reply xxx

Dont want to take a preggers test as my hopes will be down if i am not and then i will be convinced its something serious!!!

Oh bother - this is a nightmare!

Hay x

14-08-06, 11:33
I use to yawn a lot when I was particularly anxious about something. I don't think its a sign of anything serious. You are probably just tired - and maybe even pregnant. A friend of mine started with morning sickness, dizzyness etc the day after her baby was actually conceived. Strange but true.

14-08-06, 12:43
Hi Hayles

Sorry to hear you are feeling so terrible.

Excessive yawning is a very common symptom of anxiety, it's caused by hyperventilation even when you think you are breathing normally. I get it all the time chuck.
You could well be pregnant, so hang on in there for a couple of weeks 'til you can do the test.

Take care

Elaine x

14-08-06, 13:42
I have days where I yawn LOADS and it's really embarrassing as people think you are just totally bored with whatever they are saying. Yesterday I had a really bad day, and yawned my way through it, and I was tense, uptight and anxious too. I'd never related this as (yet another) anxiety symptom but now you mention it I think it does go along with my mood.

Makes sense, the hyperventilating explanation.

I think this weather doesn't help either! I've been in a really bad mood the last couple of days, felt really down, more anxious and irritable. Where's summer gone???

Also, don't know if you are on any meds, but my sister told me when she was taking anti depressents, she yawned constantly.

14-08-06, 18:56
Try this explanation of why we yawn..


You can still do a pregnancy test now as the new ones detect it days into the pregnancy.


15-08-06, 09:26
Thanks Nic for that!

CKirby - Thanks fo ryour reply.
I am not on Meds anymore, came off them about a
month ago!
I think I will wait a while to do the preggers test. dont want to get my hopes up unneccesarly

Thanks you Guys x

Hay x

16-08-06, 18:18
Hi Hayles,

I have terrible trouble with yawning to. I often yawn. Even If I look at the word or someone says it. it starts me of tis a real pain huh! I'm yawning writting this now! LOL

Thanks Nic I'll have a look at that site to!

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X