View Full Version : Green phlegm. REALLY NEED ANSWER

06-11-12, 20:24
Hi all, sorry this post us a bit disgusting, but I need to ask. From 10/25 til 11/1, I was on antibiotic augmentin for supposedly a sinus infection. My dr listen with stethoscope & EFERYTHING sounded clear, but I was coughing up SMALL amounts of green phlegm that were from post nasal drip. The med cleared it up, but five days later I'm seeing again VERY SMALL AMOUNTS of green & I know it's what's dripping from. Post nasal drip, because its mainly morning after lying in bed all night. Had similar yrs back & was told it was NOT infection but allergies. Has anyone ever heard of allergies causing green mucus? I really need to know because it really gets me ANXIOUS! I'm always afraid it'll drip way down & cause pneumonia. I'm taking antihistamines now too. Need answer as soon as possible. Thank You!

06-11-12, 21:12
hi yes you can have green phlem from post nasal drip/allergies i used to get it regular its just from where its been sitting there over night ect just keep drinking plenty of water take care x

06-11-12, 23:07

I constantly have problems with allergies and sinus's, I have posted on here a few times about the awful symptoms that come with it. I've been on antibiotics a few times but my issue I feel is that I was never on them long enough.
When everything's ok as I would put it my post nasal drip will be clear thick jelly like with a bubbly look.
Then if left for a while it becomes yellow/green, this I will cough up or blow out of my nose....
I've had throat infections where I have coughed at night and other horrible

I'm actually ringing for a doctors appointment this week to check this out again as I'm coughing up yellow stuff and having odd head pressure sensations like
Something's moving in my face and my brain feels like its a balloon being inflated and deflated...not to mention vertigo type feelings....

Yellow Green mucus indicate infection as I've been told, keep an eye on it and see your GP again if it gets worse


07-11-12, 00:20
Hi Susan, & thank you for your response. It was very helpful.

07-11-12, 06:45
Are you taking any medication. I hear it can be cause by this.


07-11-12, 07:18
I could have posted this myself as I am going through exactly the same and I have a huge fear of pneumonia too after watching a lady die of it in hospital last year. I have had pain in my sinuses between the eyes and around my forehead since August and this past month have been fighting a chest infection from the pnd. I was coughin up dark yellow thick stuff and it was really upsetting me. The sample said I had a bacteria in there and so ive been on antibi's for past 8days. I hate it and the drs cant do much-theyve tried all the meds :( Please keep in touch,it'll be interesting to hear how u get on. Good luck. Charlotte xxx

07-11-12, 17:46
I am going through this right now. I have been coughing up green for a few days now, I have had this sinus infection for what seems like forever. I had pneumonia two months ago, it was cleared up with antibiotics, now I'm concerned it will come back with this green stuff in my throat. I am hoping it clears on its own as I don't have fever. I look forward to feeling normal again. I hear these sinus things take a long time to clear up.