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View Full Version : Plz help

anx mum
06-11-12, 20:35
Many of u know me from on here i suffer with health anxiety, panic attacks. Two weeks ago i had my gallbladder removed as i was having some pain. My doctor said it was a straight forward op but i had to stay in overnight due to being over weight. This thought did scare me abit as i have a phobia of hospitals. Since my op my anxiety has gone sky high. Im having physical symptoms like chest pain most days and ive got a feeling like i cant breath which is really scaring me:weep:. I went to my gp on friday she seemed to think my anxiety had come bk causing these symptoms she also did an ecg which she said was ok. Over the weekend the pain in my chest got worse like a dull ache my breathing felt laboured and very shallow it felt like my heart was gonna stop today i went to a&E the doctor repeated a ecg this time showed missed heartbeats he said he like me to have an holter monitor has anyone had one of these what sort of things would show. Im so scared at the moment any replies would b so grateful

06-11-12, 21:32
It does sound like anxiety. I would try not to worry too much about the skipped beats and the Holter. My brother in law had palpitations and a holter, and it was fine. In fact, in my work I have to arrange ECGs for children (perfectly healthy ones) and a couple of them have had to have a Holter. I wonder why because they always come back normal - saying something like there are skipped beats but they are not sigificant or something like that.
Palpitations and skipped beats are really really common. I have them all the time, and I ignore them. It just isn't my anxiety 'thing'. Funnily enough I think that they are made worse by anxiety, sleeplessness and coffee.
I am sure that recovering from your operation will have depleted your energies and made you more likely to be anxious. Hang in there.

anx mum
07-11-12, 21:02
Thanks hun still not feeling good got chest pain and its hard to get a breath sometimes dont think will have test til next week

07-11-12, 21:36
Try and remember you had the exact same problem with breathing last time your anxiety was bad.

They are being cautious and doing the test and it will show palpitations etc.