View Full Version : Feeling very iritated all the time advice please

06-11-12, 20:56
Hi guys
is it a norm symptom to feel irritated all the god dam time ? evrything around me including me winds me up ,,,,and its hard not to enjoy my family because i get wound up over everything.....

fozzy is crying
06-11-12, 21:02
Hi guys
is it a norm symptom to feel irritated all the god dam time ? evrything around me including me winds me up ,,,,and its hard not to enjoy my family because i get wound up over everything.....

Irritation and frustration go hand in hand with mental health problems. It is not like having a broken leg where you can see it and understand it as can others. Instead with mental health problems you try and rationalize it and the fact is in most cases you can not and no one else can see the problem only try to help you.


06-11-12, 21:24
Thanks Gordon ....Life can be so cruel

06-11-12, 22:11
I am like that I get easily irratated and annoyed people dont have to do or say anything and just go off on one ,I hate it I never used to be this way :weep:

06-11-12, 22:31
Mrs Stress are you depressed ? do you have anxiety

06-11-12, 22:32
Gregcool what u described just sounds like me. Anxiety takes control of you.

06-11-12, 22:39
I have anxiety which causes my panic disorder thearpist and gp also said I have slight depression but apparently anxiety /depression go hand in hand ,but i do get very low at times and i carnt snap out of it ,its a horrible feeling i have horrible thoughts and that sets my panic off ,things are slightly improving i think my cbt is helping xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

06-11-12, 22:40
Gregcool what u described just sounds like me. Anxiety takes control of you.

07-11-12, 09:55
so what is the cause of anxiety ?? how do we get it to ever go. ?? medication seems to work for only a selective lucky few...

07-11-12, 10:09
my anxiety was caused I think because I have had alot and I mean alot to cope with over the years. Ive always been a worrier aswell and I built it up ,my panic started when I was younger ,but for some reason I coped with it or so I thought .I think thats why Ive been as bad as I have now ,medication and cbt can help ,but more than that we need to change the way we think all the negetive thoughts we have into positive thats what I learnt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs: