View Full Version : Negative Thinking How Do You Cope ?

06-11-12, 21:26
Am doing well with anxiety wise but the thing i cant get over is the negative thinking.... if i could get a hang of this i think i would be myself again... thing is am emetophobic (fear of vomiting) so when am eating or end of day even if am hungry my neg thinking will butt in adn simply stop me eating anymore (like thats it now i have eaten to much already etc...) so i wont eat anymore then.. I no its just neg thinking and if am hungry then obv i want something more to eat and i should just eat... but how do you IGNORE that and carry on ?? cos i no if i ate more then my mind wouldnt stop over thinking all night

oh no_1
07-11-12, 09:27
gosh my negative thinking, ruminating is awful..... people say think of posotives but it alot harder than just doing it isnt it..... it like my brain doesnt register the positives or something.
im trying to break the cycle but not sure how either.

09-11-12, 08:33
I suffered with IBS and every time I ate or my stomach grumbled I was convinced my IBS was going to strike and if I was out that would cause a panic attack. It got so bad I didn't want to eat if I was going out anywhere or if i had eaten I wouldn't go. So I know how you feel.

I had a course of CBT and that helped break the cycle.

Ask yourself, why are you scared of vomitting? Has there been a situation in the past where you've been sick and it's scared you? If you can find a situation then see what was surrounding that. For instance with me it was a particularly bad case of IBS when I was out and my mum got really impatient with me because I spent too much time in the toilet and made a fuss in front of people I didn't know.

Turn those negative thoughts around. In my case I programmed myself over a number of months saying.... I'm hungry that's why my tummy is flipping. If I eat and I am ill what's the worst that's going to happen? If I don't eat I will starve so I have to! If I'm ill when I'm out are people really going to think I'm a bad person or weird?

I also talked about my phobias to friends and that helps you put things into perspective and break the negative thinking. It won't be instant but you'll get there hun x