View Full Version : ovarian cancer - AGAIN!!

Silly Blonde
14-08-06, 10:05
Sorry for the multiple posting this morning but I feel terrible.

Have been trying so hard to convince myself that the nausea was due to the withdrawal from the meds and the anxiety last week, but I don't really believe it.

I'm back on the old ovarian c thing again today. Got really bad lowr abdominal pain, don't feel as sick, but surely anxiety can't make my pains this bad????????????????

I really truly believe that my meds were holding it at bay, and when I stopped them last week, it has just gone BOOOOOOM!!!

I've had a pelvic ultrasound which was clear - but I'm worried that they missed something 'cos they never did the internal scan thing.

My GP never seems too concerned, so I suppose that should reassure me, but I just feel so awful:(. Goodness knows how I'm going to manage to concentrate today with these horrible belly pains.


14-08-06, 10:28
hi sb,

i too like you came off my anti d's about 5 weeks ago and i had this terrible feeling of nausea, it lasted for about 7-10 with me but i guess we are all different, i thought i had got over that one and now i am having the dizzy spells which are making me feel off balance and it is really hard to overcome and think that there is nothing wrong with you, i totally understand what you are going throught at the moment as i am now thinking to myself should i go back on my meds

hope you feel better soon


14-08-06, 18:59
Are you sure it is not acid indigestion type thing.

When I get that I have the most awful stomach ache and am doubled up with pain.

Alka seltzer helps mine.

There is no reason to suspect ovarian cancer if you had an ultrasound.

If it doesn't get any better why not pop to the doc's for reassurance.


14-08-06, 20:16
Hi ya again, are you sure the pains you are experiencing aren't ovulating pains or are you due on?

I get very bad ovulating pains (I'm 26 and suffered with it since a teenager), where i can hardly stand straight, this lasts a day then a mild ache in ovary area for a day or two after, I also experience through this time, very bad trapped wind, lower back ache and bloating.

I think you read my post, and now worried yourself into having it, i do exactly the same, as soon as I have pain anywhere its automatically that illness.

If the doc thought it was anything serious you would be up the hospital now wouldnt you! - and also if you were that ill just think you have still managed to get on the internet and write this post, if you were that ill, it would prob be the last thing you wanna do!

Why can't i ever listen to my own advice?!?!?!?!

Even though I am worrying about having certain illnessess, and really suffered with panic and anxiety, I have found you just have to try and keep your mind busy, I know the last thing you wanna do is go out when you feel like crap, but every small step makes a huge difference, I started gradually going out and for the past week I've felt brilliant! Not fuzzy headed anymore and I can think straight.

I also think tiredness causes the anxiety/worry and negative thoughts to get worse!

All the while I am sitting in doing nothing all i do is think about pain in my ovaries or somwhere else, and guess what, I get pain in my ovaries or wherever, as soon as i go out "keeping mind busy" i forget about it and dont get pain!


Two heads
14-08-06, 20:45
Hi silly blonde!
My next door neighbour died of ovarian cancer last year.She didnt get any pain with it.Its a silent killer.So hun you def havet got that!Thats why alot of people are unaware they have it because its so painless.
Its probarly ovulating pain,i have a friend who saids she suffers with this.

polly a
15-08-06, 17:42
hi again like i posted before ,i have been to hell and back with ovulation pain,and i too thought it was ovarian cancer,but im fine you will be too pollyxx

p appleyard