View Full Version : Can anxiety really bring on symptoms??

07-11-12, 08:20
I am in a dilemma. I read so many posts where people feel symptoms and think the worst and then symptoms turn out to be something treatable like a hernia etc.

All the symptoms I have ever had in the past have been investigated and then always turn out to be nothing!

This time I feel as if something is really wrong. Have lower abdo pain left side, left leg pain and pressure in front and back passage. Have had this for 2 weeks ish. Had ovarian scan - ok, doc checked cervix all looked ok but sent off swabs. Had urine test - ok. She has felt my tummy and even checked my back passage. Not nice but she said all ok. She says I have a slight womb prolapse but nothing major and is sending me to a gynaecologist.

Just so worried and chewing everything over in my brain all the time! Can't function fully and am so unhappy.

Keep thinking its bowel cancer now. Seem to go through all if the different types. If the pain went away I would be fine again until the next symptom!

My doc says there are no red flags to say cancer. Maybe if I forgot symptoms would they go away? Are they brought on by anxiety? They feel so real. I am so tense.

Please help me someone. I am 38 with two gorgeous daughters and don't want to miss their early years through worrying.


07-11-12, 09:45
It could all be caused by anxiety but if you are still concerned I would ask your doctor to do further tests just to reassure you. :hugs:

07-11-12, 10:44
Why undergo more tests? This only serves to feed the anxiety. Try Mebeverine and Colpermin. As a combination they are quite effective. Available with and without prescription but more cost-effective with. As the symptoms then ease, the anxiety levels fall away and then you can ease off the medication.

Left leg pain, pressure etc. sounds like IBS which is a diagnosis of default. At 38 the risk of bowel cancer is very low, certainly in the absence of any signs. If your GP is satisfied that you are ok, go with that, look at the treatment options and discuss them with him/her.

IBS is unpleasant enough without the niggling doubt that it's something more serious. Treatment can help to remove that doubt.

I have had IBS on and off for years.

07-11-12, 11:14
Melon..I just reread your post and you said about the slight womb prolapse. I am a lot older than you but after my second child was born (25 years ago!) I remember that I had very similar symptoms to you and saw a gynecologist and was also told I had a slight womb prolapse. I didn't have any treatment for it so guess it sorted itself out somehow. Mine was worse when standing for a while. Since your doctor is sending you to a gynecologist He/she must be quite sure that this is the cause of your problems. :hugs: xx