View Full Version : Migraine again :(

07-11-12, 11:18
Well had pins and needles in my hands and arms yesterday, no I have the headache. Guess I have another migraine. Can anxiety bring on migraines? Can a migraine aura change with each migraine and can you have numerous different auras with each migraine?
I haven't had migraines like this for about 13 years, why have I started getting them again?
They are really not helping my anxiety :weep:

07-11-12, 11:21
Migraines can definitely be caused by stress, so it follows that they can be caused by feeling anxious/uptight also. I don't always get the same symptoms with each migraine - sometimes I'm clumsy beforehand, sometimes I get hot flushes, sometimes I get nausea, it's really like pot luck.

You need to get off of the computer/phone, take some painkillers, put a cold compress on your head and go rest/sleep it off. You won't be helping yourself by looking at your computer/phone screen.

07-11-12, 11:27
Ive got a 3 year old to look after so no chance of being able to rest, thanks for your reply. Headaches not too bad and got slight nausea, but this is the 2nd migraine in 2 weeks and it is worrying me now :hugs:

07-11-12, 13:54
I used to get one every weekend when I was stressed at work. Do you have a prescription from your GP to take for them? My Dr prescribes me sumatriptan ("Imigran") for the worst ones I get, but for the moderate ones I just take over the counter Cocodamol (which is essentially the same as "Migraleve" but about 25% of the price, so don't waste your money on Migraleve!)

07-11-12, 14:11
I've got some migraleve and imigran, but I've only recently been prescribed that, so not really sure how to take it. Last week I just took one tablet that seemed to help. I didn't take one yesterday as I wasn't sure if the pins and needles was a migraine, obviously was. Does the imigran help with the nausea? I have only taken paracetamol this morning. :hugs:

07-11-12, 14:19
The Imigran sends me right to sleep most of the time, so I don't notice the nausea (if that's any kind of an answer, lol). You're meant to take one tablet at the first sign of symptoms for it to work best, but because I don't like to "risk" taking more tablets than I need (only because the prescription fees are so expensive now!) I wait and take one when the actual headache appears, rather than when the warning symptoms appear. You can take more than one tablet in 24 hours if you need to, but the advice is that if the first tablet doesn't work (this has never happened to me) then a second is unlikely to help - so basically only take two tablets if the migraine goes away after taking the first, and then comes back again.

If you use the anti-nausea tablets in the Migraleve then they might be a bit more worth it for you, but I never really found that they helped so when the counter assistant in the chemist told me that the painkiller tablets (the pink ones?) were the same as cocodamol I switched to those (£1.15 ish for a box of 28 tablets).

---------- Post added at 14:19 ---------- Previous post was at 14:16 ----------

Also, if you get any weird symptoms with the Imigran don't worry - I get drowsiness, a sort of numb feeling, a weird tight feeling in my throat, dry mouth, and an odd thing where I can't feel extremes of temperature in my hands (so I have to have someone test the water for me when washing my hands in case it's too hot, lol).

07-11-12, 14:34
Thank you for that its really helpful, I might try an imigran now and see how it goes, hopefully it will help it because the paracetamol hasn't helped at all really. Thanks again xx