View Full Version : Fearing I have ms

07-11-12, 14:48
I am sure a lot of us with health anx has worrie about MS befor ..Ive been in bad panic allday for weeks. Now I have googled ms not good idea I no and I have about every symptom . Here's my symptoms lightheaded, tight hug around ribs maken me very very short of breath I am chest breathing and breathing fast, I have pressure on head . Weak Legs and arms .shakey legs feels like I will collapse . Eyes are. Very blurry and I keep trying clear them don't help , I am haven tingley all over hands feet legs face scalp arms :( I can't help but fear I have something.bad , I went to neuro doc told him he said he don't think I have symptoms of ms , and he wanted. MRI to rule out anything. But Iam sceard of it but I changed my mine and call this moring told them I want one so I am now waiting in a call , neuro doc said I pass neuro exam and my optic nerve looks great . He said. Nothing has changed sense last years. Vist but I feel. Bad all day long . Sorry for any miss spells I am on iPod

07-11-12, 14:57
Try this post...

Also we have not had a single person diagnosed with MS on here yet if that reassures you

07-11-12, 15:26
Thanks Nicola I just read it just post :) it just seems so hard when symptoms seems so real

Anxious lu
07-11-12, 16:01
I have been having the same fear majorly lately I can't get it out of my head!!

http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms.shtml x

07-11-12, 16:04
Lu what symptoms have u had , I can't get it out my mins neither is awfull and I wounder is it possible to she the symptoms on google and make your have them cause I have ever one on the list , what made u think u have it and have u been to doc and told them

Anxious lu
07-11-12, 16:24
At the moment I have some numb patches not completely numb just a loss of sensitivity one on my are forehead and one near my ankle.. I tremble a little bit, random muscle twitches and sometimes get tingles.. I realise they can all be down to anxiety but I can't as I notice them more in times of high anxiety but MS I cannot get out my head. I haven't been to the doctor as I had an MRI in September and haven't heard of any abnormalities but I received an appointment with a neuro.. This is in January but had me panicked big time!! I rang the hospital and then secretary told me the doc referred me due to my migraines but now I can't get MS fears away!!

It's a rare disease but I know personally two people who have it and know of seven in total!!

What are we doing to ourselves .. I will not google

07-11-12, 17:36
I just rang my neuro doc to tell him I changed my mind and I want a MRI I can't relax intill I know for sure what's going on with me it will be hard as I can't breath in small spaces but I have to try and get past the fear wish me luck it may be awhile to get a MRI but hope u feel better soon I know it isn't easy

Anxious lu
07-11-12, 17:58
Do you think that because I've had an MRI already over a month ago and haven't heard anything negative yet only themountains thing I should presume the results were okay?

Be brave, the MRI really wasn't that bad time goes quick when your in there. They gave me
Headphones for music and a helmet thing with a mirror so I could see them all as reassurance..

I hope all goes well for you pm me and tell me how it goes etc or I'd you ever need to chat as we have the same fears x

07-11-12, 18:02
I am sure if u haven't heard anything yet than its nothing to worrie about stay strong and hang in there , Thanks for the replays