View Full Version : Optic migraines , what brings them on.

07-11-12, 15:12
Yesterday at work , not stressed , not at all anxious , whilst focusing on a section of pipe work I was working on , I noticed the usual blind spot I get before the zig zagging flashing light , of a optic migraine , quite calmly I let it take it's coarse , ( about 30 - 40 minutes ) . Of coarse I hate every second . It leaves me nervous , and shook up . ( no headaches , thank goodness ) .
Today I'm a bag of nerves , watching and waiting , every highlight , shadow and after image spooking me , also I don't feel quite with it , a little spaced out .
Does any one else feel like this ? And what triggers them off ?
Stress usually brings mine on , also bright light but yesterday it was defiantly low light . Any way I'd like to hear other members expearances please .

07-11-12, 16:07
I had them only when pregnant with my fourth child (not the other three!) and they were more frequent when I was ill (stomach bug one time, cold from hell the other). Light also played a part.

07-11-12, 17:48
Thanks for that , that's interesting my daughter in law had her only optic migraine when she was pregnant .
Please keep your accounts comming.

07-11-12, 17:58
The last time I had bad migraines was when I was pregnant with my middle child 14 years ago. The I started 2weeks ago with flashing in my eyes, that then developed into a headache and nausea that lasted about 1 week. Then 2 days ago I started with pins and needles in my arms and hands, this then developed into the headache and nausea today. I did go to gp who prescribed me some tablets that seem to help. Don't know why they suddenly come back after 14 years :ohmy:

07-11-12, 20:40
Mine came back after a long break . Defiantly stress playing a part .

08-11-12, 18:47
Hi there, I suffer from these migraines, have done for about 16 years. They can be caused by stress or blood pressure or even a certain food youve eaten.

I've had it in the past before where I've had the lights they went off then got them another 2 times, after a few years I stopped worrying about them now I only get them every few months. My mother on the other hand get a migrane every week almost and they last for days, has done since she was 21 now she is 60 and very healthy. Don't worry about them, keep a diary of what you eat and when your anxious it might shed some light on the cause.

Good luck

08-11-12, 19:15
UGHHHHH!!!! I have had them, the first one I ever got I just had a baby, and the eye Doc did say hormones will cause them. Never got one again until this summer I was on the beach all day with my daughter, went back home to get showers and bam there it was that blind spot, zig zag line you are talking about. Lasted a good 20 minutes. Right away panic mode. I did not calm down til I went back to the eye Doc. Stress does cause them, sunlight, bright lights, any of that can cause them. The eye Doc says they are harmless, and I will probably get 1 a yr. (I hope not) it is scarey! If you should get one again just try to stay calm, it will pass. I know easier said then done, cause if I get one I am gonna freak. I wear sunglasses all the time. petrified of them. Did you go to the eye Doc? you will feel better if you do. :) Debbi

09-11-12, 15:16
Thanks for your replies , it really helps to talk about it . May be I watch to closely and take notice of everything , making maters worse .
What I find strange is ,when a optic migraine comes on I'm calm about it ! And during the the last one kept working, although a bit awkward , it's later I feel anxious , why ? May be its like when you get full blown anxiety first of all with the terrifying panic attacks , and " just wanting to be normal again " now I've after years of expearance got to grips with most anxiety symptoms . Exept
Optic migraines . The challenge is not to be concerned about them, loose the fear.
Any way thanks again .

fozzy is crying
09-11-12, 15:25
Optical migraines with or without the headache are triggered by anything that triggers migraine. Including stress, diet, the weather, and high blood pressure to name only the most common triggers.


09-11-12, 16:26
Ronno, you are much better then I am. When I get them I freeze/panic and I don't move until they are gone. Good job, sounds like you are well on your way to getting past this. You are a step above me. You are strong! :) Debbi

09-11-12, 17:30
Not so strong panickme , I remember my wife battling her way through chemotherapy for hodgkins lymphoma , so brave , never complained , and when told by her consultant she was in remision , she just went to pieces , ( post traumatic stress syndrome ) the doctor told me we all rise to the challenge , fight or flight , but it has it's fall out . I think I kid myself I'm brave ,and feel so chuffed I see through the optic migraine with only a little anxiety , it's later usually the next day I get anxious ,
It was after my wife's all clear that my anxeity came back strong, and for some reason obsession with my vision .

09-11-12, 23:12
I know anxiety makes you feel that way, but you are strong, look at what you have been through. (so glad your wife has the all clear) I give you so much credit. Anxiety is a horrible thing to have. I choose to focus on something being wrong with my heart all the time, you focus on the eyes. My counselor/therapist used to say to me "I am focusing on my heart instead of the real problem." ( I could never think of the real problem, still can't) Your anxiety got worse after all you have been through with your wife, I wonder if your connection is there. (just a guess) But my friend you are very strong, and you have been through a lot. You are brave, you stood by your wife's side, and you were there for her, you are soooooo strong. :) Debbi