View Full Version : Feel I've completely failed

07-11-12, 15:15
Hi all,
Been a few months since I've posted but I'm absolutely gutted as feels I've failed myself.
In the past year I've managed to lose 5 stone (going from 20 to 15) and been so focused on my fitness and well-being to the point where I became obsessed.
After going through a tough detox diet a couple of months back I became extremely depressed, anxiety came back especially health anxiety, have no energy, haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks usually going 6 times a week before) and have binge eaten everyday for the past 3 weeks and piled on 1.5 stone :-(
Because of the weight I've put on, I've had weird chest sensations, felt a little breathless and randomly a yellow mark underneath my nail which I googled as you do and it came up with Lung Disease, Heart Disease etc etc so I've been in constant fear since. Really can't seem to get back on track, start a new day, promise I'll eat healthy but by lunchtime and a stressful morning at work, I've got sausage rolls, sandwiches, chocolate and fizzy drinks just for lunch, which you can imagine what it does to my IBS.
Has anyone had these really down times where they have over-eaten because they feel they can't get back on track? Trying not to panic too much and relate the symptoms I'm having to my anxiety but would be really nice to hear from someone for support as no-one understands or can bear to listen anymore to my anxiety.

07-11-12, 15:23
I too lost 5 stone, planned, and was really pleased with myself. Dieting takes its toll,on you and everyone deserves a break from it. I stopped going to slimming classes back in may I have put weight back on and yes I did feel like failure. Like you I became obsessed with the dieting, I went from 13.5 to 8.5 stone. It's a horrible feeling that you can't get back on track that's where I am at. I stuck to the diet for 18 months although it only took me 10 months to lose the weight. I can't get back on track at the moment as I am really suffering with health anxiety and a lot of the time I feel sick, so I am concentrating on one thing at a time, I eat what I feel like, my anxiety is the important thing to get on top of at the moment. Hugs to you :hugs:

07-11-12, 15:34
David ,
You've come to far mate , you've done so well , along the way you'll fall off the wagon . I'm not that much over weight. , more middle age spread ! And when I'm on holiday , or during the summer months it's nice to wear what you want
So i tend to cut down after the Christmas break . It's hard , you have to take it week by week , and I fall off the wagon so many times , chocolate is my failure
And that's trying to loose two stone ! What you've done is fantastic . Forget the set back , you'll find any new weight you've put on will come off quickly ! Use your success to spur you on ,

07-11-12, 15:37
Totally agree xx

27-07-13, 08:19
Why you are saying that you have failed there will many such turns will come in our life be positive.

27-07-13, 08:37
I did a detox back at the beginning of the year, a week long one, cutting out all bad stuff dairy etc. I was eating proper meals but just no meat either. I was quite poorly afterwards with a virus and I hadn't been ill for quite a while.

27-07-13, 13:40
Never follow detox diets, at best they're useless and at worst they can be potentially dangerous. There is absolutely no need to follow a special diet to 'detoxify' the body, and these claims are simply myths designed to sell books and products, or to make names for various nutritionists.