View Full Version : Superstitious

07-11-12, 16:47
I have been doing ok over the last few days, but just been flicking through a magazine and read my stars, BIG mistake! At the bottom it said try a specialist if a health problem has been niggling, now I'm in panic mode worrying that my migraine is something more serious!!! Do any of you believe stars, or do you think I'm panicking over nothing? :ohmy:

07-11-12, 16:52
I wouldnt worry ,you could read 10 different magazines and the would all say different things I no its easy to say dont worry but I really wouldnt ,personally I dont believe them but thats just me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-11-12, 16:53
Well all of the other folk in your star sign will have to be seeing specialists too then. I think it's a load of codswallop but that's just my humble opinion.

07-11-12, 17:09
Ok thank you, think maybe I am panicking over nothing, it's hard when you minds working like this, every little thing is a trigger x

07-11-12, 20:35
I know what you mean, I saw one magpie on it's own this morning just before I left for my scan! Straight away saw it as a omen of bad news, my husband is beyond despair ,as he had to talk me through a serious case of jitters. lol Don't know about anyone else but my stars in magazines very very rarely come true. xxx

07-11-12, 20:39
Lol neither do mine especially the ones that say I'm coming into money. I know I'm being stupid, but it's are to shake the thoughts xxxxx

07-11-12, 21:48
Maybe it means you should ask for more help for your anxiety? :) I don't believe in these things at all, but see how they can be interpreted in lots of different ways xx