View Full Version : Feel like it will never end :(

07-11-12, 20:26
I am just having one of those days when I feel like my anxiety will never ever get better. My anxieties at the moment focus around my 18 month old son. I am constantly freaked out that he has autism. I analyse him all day long and stress about every aspect of his development. This evening I felt a swelling in my lymph node in my neck and I became convinced I have lymphoma. I am just tired of living this way, it's so exhausting!

07-11-12, 21:24
I cant post a link as I am on ny tablet, but there are some good 'Coping Statements for Anxiety' on the anxiety network site. Hope you feel better soon.

07-11-12, 22:39
It sounds like you are having a very rough time
Why are you worried about autism? I work with people with autism all the time. Most of them have it only mildly and are great people with some quirks - often very creative or artistic/ good at maths. They are very honest and straightforward.
Kids of 18 months are so different in their development - some develop faster and some slower - there is naturally a very wide spectrum
Try and enjoy him. Make sure that you give him lots of attention and positive social experiences. I am sure he will be fine. You never know how your kids will turn out - my oldest has dyslexia and ADHD - and he has learned so much from being 'different'. He is so tolerant of other people and in general a lovely human being.
BTW - there is a very good thread on large lymph nodes - turns out most people have some big ones.
All the best