View Full Version : Please help

07-11-12, 20:27
Hello, I am wondering if any of you kind people could help me or offer any advice.

I was on Escitalopram (Cipralex) for 5 years, the initial reason was panic attacks and anxiety which in turn lead to depression. This worked well for 5 years no panic attacks at all, the odd bout of feeling down, usual stress triggers moving house job etc but quickly passed without any need for help. 5 years on felt very depressed so went to the doctor said I feel like Cipralex had stopped working but that every winter I seem to get the blues usually pull through but this year no such luck. I said I feel that Cipralex had worked very well but on the maximum dose 20mg should I be feeling so depressed. The doc gave me Mirtazapine and told me to reduce the Cipralex, I started 2 weeks at 15 mg Mirtazapine with no side effects, started to feel much better, been reducing the Cipralex felt fine but past 2-3 days after gradually reducing the dose over 1 month today I suffered the biggest panic attack at work, (following a mini one the day before). Now I have had NO Cipralex at all for 5 days. I feel light headed, dizzy, fuzzy skin feeling of hair on arms, feeling like i cant breathe Im scared to answer the phone or email at work. Ive called the doctors and I have an emergency appointment tomorrow, how much I will get through in the 10 minute consultation im not sure. I am wondering is the panic due to stopping the Cipralex ?? Has anybody taken Cipralex (Escitalopram) along with Mirtazapine can they be combined. I just dont want to feel like this, I feel I am stuck, the only reason I have calmed down is luckly I have some Diazepam at home but this is not a long term solution. I feel panicky terrified and any advice would be much appreciated. People on here can be so kind. Thank you

07-11-12, 21:50
I have no experience with that medication but I just wanted to tell you if you feel panicky, take deep breaths and remember it's just a false alarm, adrenaline and it cannot hurt you. I hope you feel better soon:hugs:

08-11-12, 06:45
I don't think it's the Mirtazapine, as I don't recall having many serious start up side effects.
As you say, it could be a combination of the two drugs together or Cipralex withdrawal as you were taking it for quite a long time.
Just try and stay as calm as possible, you GP should be able to give you a pretty definitive answer within the 10 minutes.

08-11-12, 13:51
Thank you both for you replies.

I had my GP appointment I was asking and expected them to give me Diazepam to calm me down and help with anxiety. The doctor was adamant that I was suffering with anxiety and NOT withdrawal from stopping the Cipralex and going onto the Mirtazapine. She asked if I had any stressors but I dont feel its anything in particular, I mentioned having buliding work done at home and she said that could trigger the anxiety. Im on the Mirtazapine for depression/low mood (after Cipralex stopped working) but I feel like my depression which has been partially lifted from starting the Mirtazapine has been replaced with anxiety . The doctor did not want to give me any more Diazepam which upset me as its the only thing that really does temporarily releive anxiety, but I can understand why they would not give it to people as it is addictive etc etc. She gave me Propanolol which I thought was mainly for people to calm their heart beat ?? I read on the leaflet it is for anxiety too. Does anybody have any experience of Propanolol ? Do you take it when to get relief from an anxiety attack or do you have to take it every day to prevent it ? Does it just stop the physical symptoms of anxiety attack ? Waht about the scared feeling or maybe the scared feeling comes from the physical. Anyway sorry for rambling .....its the anxiety.......Many thanks for anybody who takes the time to reply. hope your having a good day x

14-11-12, 13:53
Hi, I have been back to the doctor after being 6 weeks on Mirtazapine I didnt think it was that long from my calendar. I took 2 weeks at 15mg at the same time was still taking the Cipralex then weaned off, when I was no longer taking ANY Cipralex just Mirtazapine I went from bad to worse over a period of Thur Fri Sat Sunday to the point I walked out of work Monday. Not too bothered about work at the moment as I havent had a day off sick for over 1 year so I dont feel pressured in that sense. Went to the doctor, he signed me off for 1 week "anxiety" I told him after 6 weeks on Mirt I should be feeling progressively better not worse even though im aware things can get worse before better. I felt so low, I said I felt like going to sleep and not waking up to stop the pain. He agreed that Mirtazapine is not working for me and I said in hindsight I think Cipralex does work in that it keeps away panic and anxiety but I still get down spells on it. He said did I want to try Fluoxetine and I said I cant go through another new drug at the moment so to restart the Cipralex as I know it does/can work in that I never had a panic attack the 5 years I was on it. I have restarted it 3 days in.

Does anybody have any experience of stopping/withdrawing from a medication then having to restart it like 6-8 weeks later ?? When you restarted it did the withdrawal / worsening symptoms go away and how long did it take ?

Thank you for anybody's help x