View Full Version : Please sort me out

07-11-12, 21:08
Darn it! I had a good month and now I'm back here, back in my own bloody head worrying myself over nothing. Here's how it started.

Last saturday had something in my eye, tried to get it out, felt like it was still there panicked, messed with my eye and was left with a rather sore eyeball (on one side), went to the eye hospital and the nurse said I cut my eye so take this do that it will get better. Days later it felt terrible so I went back, only to be told the cut had healed! Yay! but my eye was dry and I needed new eye gel cos the other one was no good. All that day my eye felt FINE, yes F.I.N.E! And the next day too until 6pm when I thought to myself what if it started to hurt again, well .... that was it, I'm obsessed with it and feel like it really hurts, I can't ignore it, I don't know how long it will take to get better, if it's poorly at all. I'm considering going back to the eye hospital cos I'm scared it will hurt forever, I am such a dick, really :-S Can you guys please talk me round.

amber angel
07-11-12, 21:24
Ughhhh I know how you feel!!!
My brain goes crazy about things like that as well and its easier said than done to switch it off.
I think the only advice I could give u is to try and almost embrace it and think to yourself "My eyes not going to fall out"
"I wont go blind"
"It's sore but its possible its in my head"
"The nurse has told me herself that it has healed"
"If it was really something serious i would definitely know about it"

I am not a doctor obviously! But it sounds like you are saying you think it might be in your head ... after all the brain is such a powerful thing!

Hope this helps some how.

08-11-12, 04:15
Yeah I think 90% is in my head. I just am so sick of living like this.

amber angel
08-11-12, 17:08
Have you ever been to councelling? I have just started it and hoping it will help! Because thoughts about death or illness has just taken over and I know its not way to live! But its really hard to remove the thoughts.... Frustrating! X