View Full Version : Weird head sensation

07-11-12, 21:54
IM getting these weird sensations in my head, it feels like theres a wave in my head..and it last a second and goes away...its really hard to explain, but they don't hurt and it feels weird...i took lexapro 10mg for a month and a half, and decided to get off them.. i heard meeds withdraws and make you feel weird..i have been off the meds for over a week now... do you think it could be the meds..does anyone experience this feeling...its like a coming and going feeling in my head.

07-11-12, 22:24
Was there any particular reason why you came off the Lexapro? Were you advised to do so by a doctor?

---------- Post added at 22:24 ---------- Previous post was at 22:23 ----------

If it wasn't working for you, you could always ask your doctor to prescribe a different medication.

08-11-12, 02:02
it make me really depressed and i had worse anxiety...but they told me to either up the dosage or ween off it....i was too scared to up the dosage in fear of it getting worse, so i just ween off it...im going to see my doctor soon and i will tell him whats going on

08-11-12, 02:20
It depends how you came off it - was it sudden?

08-11-12, 03:38
yeah it was sudden, they told me to ween off them by taking 5 mg for a week..i only did it for 2 days

08-11-12, 12:50
hey there,
I am also on lexapro, and it took about 2 months to settle in, if you have gone off it suddenly you will get what they call brain zaps, as the lexapro changes the chemicals in your brain, and now you are no longer taking it they are changing again, (I am not a doc, but have read up on this as I am paranoid about taking drugs) so rest assured what you are feeling is just like withdrawral really.

08-11-12, 16:31
IM getting these weird sensations in my head, it feels like theres a wave in my head..and it last a second and goes away...its really hard to explain, but they don't hurt and it feels weird...i took lexapro 10mg for a month and a half, and decided to get off them.. i heard meeds withdraws and make you feel weird..i have been off the meds for over a week now... do you think it could be the meds..does anyone experience this feeling...its like a coming and going feeling in my head.
yes i have and stil do have those head sensations

10-11-12, 07:17
i think it has to do with my vision, because when i close im eyes i don't get the sensation as much..and i sometimes get headaches in the back of my head...but i did read that withdraws or lexapro and mess with your vision..ill give it another week and if it doesn't go away ill see a doc...oh wait i don't have any money..ill just live with it lol