View Full Version : I did it!

07-11-12, 23:23
Well i can't believe it.. and sat here now in a bit of a daze at the fact I have done it!

As some of you know it it is my daughters 21st birthday today, and we had arranged to go out for a family meal. I have been wittering for ages about it as I know the place is big, loud and busy but I did it. In the main without a panic (luckily sat nearish to the door though) and she's had a wonderful day and night. I am so happy although you wouldn't think so to look at me now I have took the make up off as i looked drained lol.

I am sorry I haven't had change to catch with everyones day so far but I have been thinking about you and hope your all (you know who you are :)) ok.

Thank you again for all the help you have given me over the last few days.. probably be a wreck again tomorrow :doh:xx

07-11-12, 23:27
Awww Helen that's just fantastic!!!!!! Well done hunni I am so chuffed for you!!! Xxx

07-11-12, 23:29
Well done Helen that's amazing!! You should be very, very proud of yourself! :D

I'll be coming to you for tips for my birthday meal(s) out next week :winks:

07-11-12, 23:47
Thanks guys... the tip is get sat near the door :D x

08-11-12, 01:21
Glad you and your daughter had such a lovely day. Well done!!!

08-11-12, 01:39
Thanks Edie.. The smile on her face made it all so worthwhile x

fozzy is crying
08-11-12, 03:00
Fantastic. So please for you.


The Fozzy

08-11-12, 03:30
Wheyyyy, so pleased for you :D

Hopefully this can be the start of getting your normal life back!

Roll on the good days and the happiness that comes with it! :)


08-11-12, 06:20
Well done, long may it continue.:yesyes:

08-11-12, 10:01
:yahoo: so pleased it went well for you...what a great achievement :yesyes:

08-11-12, 14:30
Excellent..just excellent!!

08-11-12, 14:40
That's great news Miss Dynamite, I'm really pleased for you :biggrin:

08-11-12, 14:52
Thank you so much everyone.. There is only you guys who knows what it really means.

I love you all.. big hugs :bighug1: x

08-11-12, 15:56
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!! :winks: That-a-girl. I am so happy you were able to do this. (so happy for your daughter also, happy b-day to her again) How do you feel today? Debbi

08-11-12, 16:11
well done u xxx:hugs::hugs:

08-11-12, 16:18
Indeed well done. I have used the same tactic as you inside a restaurant and sometimes it works but not always, so I go outside for 5/10 minutes and then come back in .I don't give up but find going anywhere hard.It's the anticipation and waiting to be served that triggers my anxiety off.:shrug:

08-11-12, 16:33
Thank you all.. And I feel tired out today but it has given me at least some hope that it can be done.. even if only now and again.

I did listen to the Claire Weeks link in the afternoon to keep positive.. that helped a lot. It is great to listen to.

If anyone wants the link, let me know and I will send it to you.

hugs all round :hugs: xxx

---------- Post added at 16:33 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ----------

It is ricardo.. I did something this time I have never done before. My daughter had picked where she wanted to go and I knew it would be packed and loud with people and music. It also has a cocktail bar in the middle so people stood everywhere round there. I braved it as I was so desperate not to let her down and when I booked the table, spoke to the manager and explained my anxieties. He was fab!... and made certain that I was within easy reach of the door.

I know this doesn't really help with the cognitive therapy but I just wanted to remove as much panic risk as possible for her night.

I didn't even go out for a cigarette (which is not like me lol) just in case that when I got out, I would be too scared to go back in lol. So sat through it all for about 4 hours and all in all felt ok.

I think what happens when we venture out for meals is that we know we now have to order, then wait!.. what wait!! lol for the food and still stay long enough to eat it.. worse than being in a queue. :) x

08-11-12, 17:07
This is such a good achievement! So happy for you :) glad your daughter had a lovely day to :)

08-11-12, 17:31
Thank you all.. And I feel tired out today but it has given me at least some hope that it can be done.. even if only now and again.

I did listen to the Claire Weeks link in the afternoon to keep positive.. that helped a lot. It is great to listen to.

If anyone wants the link, let me know and I will send it to you.

hugs all round :hugs: xxx

---------- Post added at 16:33 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ----------

It is ricardo.. I did something this time I have never done before. My daughter had picked where she wanted to go and I knew it would be packed and loud with people and music. It also has a cocktail bar in the middle so people stood everywhere round there. I braved it as I was so desperate not to let her down and when I booked the table, spoke to the manager and explained my anxieties. He was fab!... and made certain that I was within easy reach of the door.

I know this doesn't really help with the cognitive therapy but I just wanted to remove as much panic risk as possible for her night.

I didn't even go out for a cigarette (which is not like me lol) just in case that when I got out, I would be too scared to go back in lol. So sat through it all for about 4 hours and all in all felt ok.

I think what happens when we venture out for meals is that we know we now have to order, then wait!.. what wait!! lol for the food and still stay long enough to eat it.. worse than being in a queue. :) x

I understand completely.I can't stand up in a close crowd, I get sea legs. You said you were a smoker, so am I .I wonder if people who are addictive to say smoking are more prone to anxiety. in other words an addictive personality. Just a thought.:shades:

08-11-12, 18:50
I don't think so Ric.. I am sure many on here don't smoke and I know plenty of people who do and don't suffer with mental health issues. With smoking it wasn't our aim or choice to get addicted to it, it is the nicotine which makes it that way. I suppose the difference with us could be, that when we are stressed.. we reach for a cigarette x

08-11-12, 18:55
I have never smoked in my life and I'm anxious :)

08-11-12, 18:55
MissH, I don't know how you went 4 hrs, without :yesyes:smoking, that alone would have gave me anxiety!!!!! Proud of you for that too! I also smoke, and I use it as an excuse to run out of restaurant. Good Job!

08-11-12, 18:57
With not smoking I don't have the excuse to keep running out so every one just has to think I have a weak bladder :roflmao:

08-11-12, 19:01
Annie you crack me up!!!! Always make me smile. (I wish I didn't smoke) I think I use the excuse of being anxious, to keep smoking, (poor excuse, I know) I have tried to quit, and I get more anxious. Stinks. (good for you never smoking, good job)

08-11-12, 19:02
lol @ Annie :)

I know Debbi, I surprised myself. I felt quite settled where we were sat and just thought, if I go out now and look in (it has big glass panels all the way round it) and see just how many people are in there, I won't go back in :doh:. Did laugh at myself though because as we were getting up I already had one and my lighter in my hand.. really enjoyed that one :D x

08-11-12, 19:04
Ohhhhh MissH you make me laugh also, and boy can I relate! Been there, done that! Lol

08-11-12, 19:04
Oh Annie, I have one of those :blush:

08-11-12, 19:42
Oh Annie, I have one of those :blush:

I think that is part of anxiety also. I am fine until I am going somewhere, especially restaurants..the first thing I need to know is where the loo is :D (bathroom or rest room to our USA friends)

09-11-12, 23:22
Annie I can always count on you for a smile. :D ( I'm learning) loo/bathroom, mom/mum I'm getting it. Still very proud of you MissH! Always thinking of you guys!:hugs: Debbi

09-11-12, 23:54
Aww Thanks Debbi.. glad your getting to grips with the different lingo!.. Do me a favour and message me your address.. would love to send you and the family a card for Christmas :) (Or should I say Happy Holidays) :) x

10-11-12, 02:00
Merry Christmas MissH, you are so sweet, and I sure will if I can figure out how to pm. I know how to respond, but not sure about sending. Still new at this. I'm already getting excited about Christmas. (Christmas is a Holiday for us, is a Holiday for you a vacation, or is it the same ?) feel dumb, still learning.:D Debbi

12-11-12, 08:15
Hi Helen, what a lovely thread to read. Really made me smile!
I can totally relate to the weak bladder Annie!! Lol

Helen how would I find that Clare Weekes link? She's fantastic!

Well done again!!!

Laura x x