View Full Version : Need some support

07-11-12, 23:49
Hi all
I have been suffering from anxiety/panic for a few months now but have suffered on and off for years. I have been on anit-depressants for many years as I have a lot of stress in my life. The main source of this stress (although not the original cause) is my son's health. He was diagnosed with crohn's disease 9 years ago and it has been an up hill battle ever since. Anyway to cut a very long story short, he has again suffered a major set-back with it and is very distressed about it as he had an appointment with this consultant today - he is treated at a very good hospital miles away from where we live but nothing seems to help. He broke down this evening saying he can't cope any more and doesn't see any point in going on. The thing is, I really need to be strong for him now but as I have been ill again recently with my anxiety issues, I am finding it very hard to deal with. I just don't know where to turn or where we go from here. Its just breaking my heart as I love him so much. I really really need to be strong for him but don't know where to turn. He is 21 and says he has no life. I have a supportive husband who has been great through my anxiety issues but have lost my mum and dad so dont feel I have anyone else to support me. This site has helped me so much in the last few weeks so any advice would be great.

07-11-12, 23:52
Hi Louise. I can't really offer you any advice I'm afraid, but wanted to send you some :hugs: anyway, to let you know that you have us for support, too x

07-11-12, 23:54
Hi Louise, I am so sorry you are drowning in all of this just now, it's so hard to see the people we love so much in pain and so low, and it's hard enough when we feel able to cope never mind when we struggle with anxiety. Has your doctors perhaps got a support group on your area? Xx

08-11-12, 00:01
Sounds like you are going through a really tough time and I really feel for you. You just have to try and stay strong and take each day as it comes and then hopefully things will begin to improve and you can get through this bad patch. You will get through it and see the good days again.

Sending all my hope and support and everyone here is always here to talk if you need to.


08-11-12, 00:05
Oh Louise.. that must be so difficult for you to have to watch. I think the biggest hurt we get is when our children are suffering in any way. I really do feel for you :hugs:

I don't know much at all about Chrohn's although I do have a friend who has had trouble for many years with it and has had some bowel removed. I can only think for you to get the full picture of what stage your son is at and research, research, research anything that might help. It can be very helpful sometimes to really look into things thoroughly. It may be that you find something that the docs haven't heard of or a tablet they haven't tried.. you just never know.

Other than that.. I can only say that we are all here for your support :hugs: I really hope that he begins to feel better soon x

08-11-12, 00:14
Thank you all for your messages. It really does help to know people are there.
