View Full Version : Can't sleep

Anxious lu
08-11-12, 02:10
I can't sleep or relax..

If I try I just notice my twitches more or feel my body for numb patches..

Things repeat over in my head what If it's this or that what if the right people haven't seen my MRI properly missed something ??

08-11-12, 02:13
Please stop obsessing over the MRI OK

You have HA that is all and need help with that to be honest.

Go to bed, log off here and stop looking for problems and solutions.

You can and will get over this when you learn to stop obsessing and googling and posting for reassurance

08-11-12, 02:23
Try counting backwards from 100 - this used to be the only thing that helped me sleep. I used to be asleep before I was anywhere near 1. Your brain has to concentrate on counting backwards so you don't think of anything else but its boring enough to send you to sleep.

Anxious lu
08-11-12, 10:41
Thank you :-( I am trying not to obsess its just the feeling on having slightly less feeling on parts of my skin than other is driving me insane and I keep finding it!

I had forgotten and moved on from this all and felt a real improvement for a month then a anxiety attack bougt me straight back to square one where I start to noticed thinks about my body e.g the lack of sensitivity and the twitches :-(

What gets me more is I just rang the docs again who hasn't web read the report on my MRI scan yet? I've found the loss if sensitivity is in my right and the hand I use the most when I hold my phone up for long it feels weird and it's the hand I use to write I wonder if I could have caused any nerve damage.

I do need help