View Full Version : My worst nightmare has come true - blood clot from wrist to elbow

08-11-12, 09:27
I posted earlier today about a sore arm after a cannula last week.

I had an ultrasound this afternoon that showed a clot in my arm.

I am terrified of the immediate threat but I
Also terrified of how I going to cope day to say if I lucky enough not to die.

I am so so scared

08-11-12, 10:07
What are the hospital doing about it..I am sure they will give you treatment and you will be safe :hugs: xx

08-11-12, 10:17
Sorry about the spelling mistakes I am near hysterical laying on a hospital bed.

I feel so alone, scared and terrified. My husband had to go home to put our children to bed etc.

Hospital have put me on antibiotics to reduce inflammation and clexane

This has been one of my biggest fears and now here I am

08-11-12, 10:32
You are in the best place to get it sorted Samantha and it is something they are able to sort easily. I know you have been so worried about it and what you feared is there but it has been found in good time and the clexane will dissolve it quickly. Sending you lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs:

08-11-12, 14:33
Hi Samantha

Sending you get well wishes. You are in the best place to get it all treated and looked after.

08-11-12, 17:42
Hope you're better soon. x

08-11-12, 17:52
Try not to worry Samantha, you're in the safest place possible. Speedy recovery!

Chris x

08-11-12, 21:03
I am so scared :(

08-11-12, 21:07
Sam, don't be scared, you are in the best place and they won't let any harm come to you. I am sure it won't be long until you are able to go home again :hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

amber angel
08-11-12, 21:46
Try not to be scared. I understand how horrible and scary it is lying in a hospital but like everybody is saying, you are in the best place and the best hands! I think you be better in no time! Keep your chin up and I will be checking to see how you are getting on :hugs: x

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 21:44 ----------

* you will

08-11-12, 21:50
I haven't followed your posts but was it the canlua that caused the clot? I have a friend who I used to work with who has had repeated blood clots in her legs. She has been successfully treated for them and is now fine. I know how scary it must be to be confronted with your worst fear, but they have caught this in time to treat it and I am quite sure that you will be just fine. Keep us updated.

08-11-12, 22:34
Hi love, thought I'd post a message to say I had a DVT (blood clot) in my leg a few years ago. When the doctor first told me I was terrified as all I'd heard about them was people dying after being on long haul flights. The doctor explained to me that as soon as they find the clot you are safe, it's if they don't find the clot the problems can occur. They gave me an injection in the hospital and put me on tablets (Warfarin) for approximately 6 weeks and I have had no trouble since.
The pain can be bad but I promise you it will be fine so don't worry. Big hugs xxxx

08-11-12, 23:01
They are sending me home today - I don't want to go home I have to have a follow up ultrasound in a week but what happens if it kills me before then :(

---------- Post added at 10:01 ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 ----------

And thank you for all the support I just feel like I am in such a dark place right now, I don't know how to emerge from it?

08-11-12, 23:11
They would not send you home if you were in any danger at all and it won't kill you before then.

Things aren't that bad Samantha - you are fine and you have been treated. It will be good to go home as well.

11-11-12, 22:00
you are already over the worst part as the the clot has been detected and they are now dealing with it,
rest assured you are safe now
get well soon x

12-11-12, 01:46
Not all clots cause the same risk.
It depends on where the clot is, to how dangerous it is and how it's treated.
I suggest you ask a doctor to explain this as it might help you calm down.
If you had a clot in a dangerous place they would not have sent you home.

12-11-12, 02:43
I had a repeat ultrasound today and it is no better - it is unchanged. I feel like all the positive thinking I have been doing and the medication has been for nothing :( Having another one Wednesday afternoon but I have no hope for it now to have gotten better.

12-11-12, 20:47

12-11-12, 21:00
What have the docs said about it all?

12-11-12, 21:11
I really don't think they would send you home if they thought there was any risk at all from the clot. If they felt it was a risk they would keep you in and monitor it. What have they said they will do next?

12-11-12, 21:47
A GP at our clinic has put me back on daily clexane shots at least until I see the specialist (who took me off them when I left hospital) on Friday.

I am having another ultrasound tomorrow.

13-11-12, 00:00
It's good they are keeping an eye on it :)
I won't tell you not to be scared lol as it's going to happen when you have anxiety but try not to assume the worst : )
You're seeing doctors and having tests, n don't be afraid to ask questions, it would be much better asking a doctor compared to google!

13-11-12, 00:50
Thank you Anxious_gal - so many people are reading this thread but not many trying to reassure me which makes me more anxious.

I just don't know how to stop worrying about this. The feeling of I'm going to die us unbearable. I am just so scraped, I have lost any enthusiasm I had for life and all I can think of is my 3 kids not having a mother anymore. Not coping at all.

13-11-12, 01:35
Hi sam, I know that you are on a very though spot right now, but the people treating you are professionals that really know what they are doing.

So, don't wear yourself down by being negative, I know it's very hard, but one can only have hope and believe in the skills of the professionals tending to us. Try to keep it positive and hang in there ;) We are rooting for you out here, keep us updated!

13-11-12, 21:53
Thank you Jack in the Box xxx

14-11-12, 00:51
Hi hun! Please try not to worry you are being cared for by the best people, and don't get worried if people don't respond to you thread hun, I'm not sure if anyones the same as me but sometimes I find it really hard to post to someone as I'm scared I might say something wrong! (Anxiety for me makes me on edge about everything!) Stay strong hun were all here for you! Should you need a chat don't hesitate to message me! Keep us all updated won't you <3 thinking of you :) <3

14-11-12, 01:00
You won't die Sam - they are looking after you and keeping an eye on you so that will not happen ok.

14-11-12, 09:08
Hi Sam, I read your thread and originally didn't reply as I felt I agreed with all the advice you were being given by others on this site. I have known several people who have had blood clots in their legs and also a good friend who had a blood clot in her lungs. All were put on fragmin for six months and all are fine now. As previously said, once they have found it and it is being treated then things can only get better. It is when you don't know you have one that it is dangerous. It may take a little time but it will get sorted out and you will be absolutely fine.

14-11-12, 11:24
I saw your post only now, sorry for not reading earlier.

I am sure that you are not going to die from this. You have been diagnosed and you are getting treatments and medications, which means everything is under control.

Blood clots are dangerous when you don't suspect you have them, but once you know it, doctors can treat these things and nothing will happen to you.

Many big hugs to you:hugs::hugs::hugs:

14-11-12, 15:39
Hi Sam, I hope youre feeling much better and more relaxed-easier said than done! Can I ask, whereabouts was your cannula put in your arm? Ive had one this week and now my arm hurts and i have a small bruise on my forearm.. x

23-11-12, 08:39
Hi everyone thought I would update as its been a while. I had another ultrasound a few days after this post was started that showed the clot had totally occluded the vein and had t gotten any better. My GP put me back I. Clexane and within two days it had reduced down to 4cms(previously from wrist to elbow). I saw the specialist a few days after this and he told me to stay on the clexane shots for 2 weeks.

I had another ultrasound yesterday which has shown no change since the previous scan 8 days ago :(

Last night I discovered a huge bruise on my tummy which has sent me panicking again :(

I just want things to return to normal- I am now worrying about not just the clot but being on the clexane. I am not coping again and it's terrible.

23-11-12, 09:08
Hi Samantha. I can't imagine how scary it must be for you but you have to believe that the drs would not let you be at home if they thought this was life-threatening. It will go away, it will just take time and you need to do every thing the doctors say ie staying on the clexane. Have they said why they think the clexane hasn't worked so far? Xx

23-11-12, 09:18
Hello and thanks for replying. I think they are of the impression that it was the clexane that reduced it greatly last week - but then not at all since then. They have all told me it can take up to 6 months to resolve :(

But I am so worried about this huge bruise too - I have been trying so hard over the last few weeks to be positive, not to worry etc but it has been SO hard.

One thing this has taught me is that worrying about things changes nothing! I have worried for years about getting a clot, and yet here I am!! I just want it all rectified so I can concentrate on what is important to me - my precious family.

I have also seen a new therapist twice in the last few weeks whom I think will be great for me but it's just so hard to concentrate on getting my mind healthy when I know for a fact that my body isn't :(

23-11-12, 11:08
If you are worried about the bruise on your stomach go to the drs :-) it will put your mind at rest and its probably best to just get it checked out xxx

23-11-12, 12:04
Thanks Cassy - the GP saw it today when he gave me the clexane. He said the last shot probably hit a blood vessel and to put ice on it for a few days, then heat. It just seemed like an awfully big bruise to me :(

23-11-12, 12:30
Did you have an injection in your stomach ?

23-11-12, 15:42
Aw Samantha, I know how you are feeling, but the others are right, you are in the best place and no doubt they are treating the blood clot, it won't take long for them to sort it. Like you I need to be brave at the moment so please believe me when I say I know how you feel. It is a nasty shock having something like that, but I know you will be OK. Do let us know how you are later on.:hugs:

23-11-12, 21:10
Ddcoo I am so sorry to hear you are struggling and wish you all the best xxx

Nicola - yes I have been getting them there, I mentioned that the doctor said he probably hit a blood vessel but of course as hard as I try not too I still worry.

23-11-12, 21:35

I will post a picture of the bruise I got from injections in my stomach to reassure you that it does happen

23-11-12, 21:39
Ok thank you I would appreciate that

23-11-12, 21:40
my bruise

23-11-12, 21:43
Thank you!! Mine is similar sized - though not a pretty heart shape like yours lol.

Is that from clexane?

23-11-12, 22:14
Everytime I went into hospital with chest pains they stabbed me in the stomach with blood thinning drugs so it was apt that it was heart shaped lol.

23-11-12, 23:34
Lol - thanks for the laugh :)

24-11-12, 00:06
I am glad you can laugh about it - that means you are on the mend which is fab.

I think it is a very pretty bruise lol

24-11-12, 00:39
In a strange way this has been the wake up I needed. To know that worrying and obsessing helps nothing until there is actually something wrong. And then when there IS something wrong all the worrying and obsessing in the world doesn't change things.

24-11-12, 00:42
When I had the heart attack and Crohn's flareup and spent 2 months in hospital my whole outlook on life changed Samantha.

I realised that life was too short to worry and argue and fight and get stressed. Life is for living and I could have died so now I am more calm and relaxed and laid back and just take each day as it comes.

24-11-12, 01:32
Get well soon! Sending good vibes your way!

24-11-12, 07:35
Aw I hope the blood clot gets smaller. You're doing really well.
The doctors seem to be good, it's good they are doing scans and keeping an eye on it.

28-11-12, 11:07
Thanks guys

I have been doing really well anxiety wise. I am REALLY starting to doubt myself and struggling with it a bit today, even after therapy today.

I just want it to get better and resolve. I have been doing all I can, I have 2 more days of clexane needles then go back to just asprin and I suppose I am worrying about that. I have been putting a heat pack on my arm at least 6 times a day - and its still a few weeks til my next ultrasound.

28-11-12, 16:33
In a strange way this has been the wake up I needed. To know that worrying and obsessing helps nothing until there is actually something wrong. And then when there IS something wrong all the worrying and obsessing in the world doesn't change things.

BRAVO Samantha!!!!!! How true that is. I have gotten much better with my HA, and I try to keep this in mind. You just have to focus on being healthy and well and doing what needs to be done to stay that way! all the rest is just useless worry.

:bighug1: glad you are feeling better.

05-12-12, 22:46
I am getting really anxious again. I have another scan a week from now and I am terrifying myself that the clot has grown larger since I stopped the clexane last Friday. I am only on asprin now and my arm is hurting on and off. It's so hard to know what is actual pain and what my mind is making up as it is for all HA sufferers.

I just want this to go away but I know I could still have months of this ahead and that is mentally draining.

I had a mole cut out on Tuesday and had 2 stitches and my youngest has had a vomiting bug so all of this together is sending me round the twist a little.