View Full Version : This post is for my daughter,suggestions welcome

08-11-12, 09:43
I have a 24 year old daughter who during her time at Uni developed IBS. She got her degree some two years ago, and though fluent in Spanish has not been able to get a job here or in London, even as a PA or teaching Spanish. She is very academic but not what one would call street wise.

The situation she finds herself in, has stressed her out and earlier this year her boyfriend of some three years gave her genital warts which only became apparent some three months later.She has had them removed but her blood tests show that without regular check ups this could lead to cervical cancer if not treated.The specialist also found that she has ovarian cysts and they decided to put her on the pill , to regulate her periods. Obviously the news she got made her more anxious and she started to develop a constant headache/migraine and photo phobia and this has been on going for over three months.

Her GP said it stemmed from her neck and suggested a chiropractor. After a couple of sessions there was no improvement and the nurse at the practice (which is private) suggested she got another opinion with the owner of the practice, who is my own GP.

He examined her and felt she may have swollen arteries in her temple, looked concerned and made an appointment for her to see a top neurologist as if our doctor's assumption was correct that could eventually leas to blindness unless treated with steroids.

He also wanted to check the possibility of a brain tumor.

Anyway she had a brain scan and X ray and nothing showed up.

Our doctor and the neurologist thought it maybe the pill,so she came off it.

Then it was suggested she saw an eye doctor , it is slightly different over here as opticians work slightly differently .. Again all was clear yet her IBS has got worse and the constant headaches remain. The neurologist gave her a 5mg of Tryptizil not for depression but to ease the pain and make her sleep a little better.That was 4 weeks ago and now nothing has changed and being selfish it has increased my own panic disorder and anxiety ten fold
She phoned both our doctor and neurologist again and they suggested also having a sinus X ray. Again that was clear.
my wife thinks it maybe a hormone in balance but i can't stand to see our daughter like this.I am putting on a brave face but it is eating me up for my "little girl"

harrys mummy
08-11-12, 10:52
Going with the hormoan inbalance try vitamin B6, you can buy in on the shelf over here, I find it brill for the hormoans, I really feel for your daughter & you, anxiety sucks big time xx

08-11-12, 11:22
Oh Ricardo your poor daughter, sounds like she is having a tough time. Please don't think you are being selfish because your anxiety had increased, this only proves how much you love her. The best advice I can give you is not to just sit and wait, keep going back to the doctors, we are only a number in this world so we might as well be a loud one. I hope she gets something sorted soon. Xxx

08-11-12, 12:07
Wow Ricardo, no wonder you're so worried, this is obviously a very very troubling time for all of the family. Have you considered looking into the possibility of food allergies/intolerances - the IBS may be related to something which your daughter is eating. Well worth a look into!

Hope something gets sorted soon,

Chris x

09-11-12, 05:53

That is the next step but the list is endless with my daughter having IBS. It is still a process of elimination. I still think stress is playing a role in this.regardless of her age when this is going on this long it is bound to make us all extremely anxious.

It is now guess work but my wife who thankfully is keeping cool, at least inwardly, thinks our daughter might top herself.