View Full Version : Good news!

08-11-12, 10:49
Hi everyone,

Just a quick update to let you know how i'm doing.

After nearly three weeks of taking fluoxetine and having CBT i am feeling much better. I am back to work, putting no strain on my wife and family and nearly myself again.

I still have the odd worries but generally i can put lid on my anxiety.

Also i believe that eating healthier (drinking less alcohol, eating five a day and all that stuff) along with getting some good exercise has really helped me feel good about myself and generally more awake and energised. Im only 24 and finally i'm starting to feel healthy like a 24 year old should be.

I really hope that you all can overcome your anxiety's with time. But i really do recommend trying out the medications and CBT, along with a healthier lifestyle it really has helped!

Good luck everyone!!:)

08-11-12, 10:52
Really pleased to hear this :yahoo: