View Full Version : Anyone anxious over something they dont have?

08-11-12, 14:34
Im suffering from extreme anxiety, i had a panic attack in june after i watched a horrific video, i felt weird when it was happening, almost like i was going insane and i felt confused.
Since then i have developed a fear of feeling that confusion again and i have an OCD with going over peoples names, places, etc as im scared i will forget the people in my life. I get waves of butterflies and i go hot. This happens everyday and has done for about 8 weeks. Im on sertraline and propranalol. But i am convinced i have a growth in my brain making me think this way. I have been told by several doctors and a neurologist i dont but i fear i do so much i cant stop thinking about it and it makes me panic.
Nothing i do relaxes me. Am i going to die??? What is going on? How can anxiety just creep up suddenly?!
Inbox me for chats if anyones in the same boat.