View Full Version : terrible anxiety

08-11-12, 14:48
Hi Im joanna Im 28 I ve been suering with this teribble anxiety since 2006!! i had good ew years and now im back to square one again!!!
not to happy :(

I feel embaressed to tell what my anxiety is about cos i think people will think i lost my mind!!!

08-11-12, 14:58
Hi joanna28

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-11-12, 15:10
Ive been on 20mg of citalopram for 6 years and then was off the meds for few months and since september Im on mitrazapine started of 15 mg and now on 30 mg for the past 3 weeks. I have an anxiety , I feel a bit embaressed to say what ot it though cos people mite think that im crazy!!! I get panic attacks with it and I get depressed over it.I need help !!!

08-11-12, 15:18
Hi Joanna, sorry your having a bad time but certainly don't feel embarassed opening up about anything on her. This is best place to get things off your chest. And don't forget, a problem shared is a problem halved :)

We all have different worries or habits so if you think it will make you feel better just write it down.. no one here will judge you x

08-11-12, 15:34
Hi Joanna, as MissHDynamite says, do not feel embarrassed or scared to open up. We have all felt this before speaking out but believe me it is far better to speak out than keep things bottled up. I can guarantee nothing will shock and some of us will probably be able to relate.

Please tell us your story.:hugs:

fozzy is crying
08-11-12, 15:36

08-11-12, 16:37
:welcome: lots of help and good advice here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-11-12, 17:08
Please dont be ashamed, my panic and anxiety is my constant fear of memory loss/forgettinh who my family and friends are. Also brain tumours and that im going insane!
Talk about it, trust me it does help x

08-11-12, 17:59
Welcome to the forums! :) Please don't be embarrassed to discuss the themes of your anxiety, that's what we're here for. No one here will judge your or mock you. Chances are, there will be someone who has a similar problem and you'll be able to share experiences and support with them.

09-11-12, 00:10
Ok I hope this wont sound very scarry.
It started 6 years ago , just out of nowhere a thought came to my head that Im a human being and I started panicking. My heart was going crazy and crazy thoughts wouldnt leave me head -who created humans,how did the world began, why are we here...etc
This odd feeling of being alive! I cant describe it. why are we created the way we are, whats the point of it,brain,eyes,face,arms,legs ..etc as if we are robots. And this terrible fear of even looking at myself!! I was so scared, so so scared!!! all I wanted was to feel normal again!!! I was crying non stop coz I didnt know whats happening to me!!! I was an out patient in mental health hospital ,was taking 20 mg of citalopram and after some time slowley things were getting better. But this odd feeling of feeling kind of unreall was with me for a long time.
Then last year I wanted to have a baby , so with my gp's help i was gradually comming off the citalopram and I was feeling fine. it took me 9 months to come off the medication. may this year i got pregnant but then miscarried :( and everything came back!!!! my fear of being a human being and the whole thing about the world!!!
plus a new thing of being pregnant and have something growing inside me!!! it scares me that i wont like it and then whats gonna happen if im not gonna like the fakt that something is growing inside m???? all of this bring some much fear and panick attacks!!! I look at people and think how come they are people aswell.
jesus christ why am i thinking abotu that!!!

09-11-12, 06:33

I am completely stumped by what you say but you need help and IMO the ladies on here can guide you in the right direction, and I am sure they will xx

09-11-12, 06:55
Sorry to here your suffering.Ive been suffering from anxiety since my first breakdown in 1966 thank God a bit of progress has been made since those"pull yourself together days.I am also in recovery for alcholism,have been sober a day at a time for 30 years and find by opening up at my meetings and to close friends this helps.Do not feel embaressed!take care twrsilckcut

09-11-12, 06:56
Hi Joanne and welcome :)
Just wanted to say well done for opening up about your fears. I don't personally deal with the same anxieties as you but I can tell you that what you have said is such a common fear on this site. I've heard many people say they constantly wonder why we're here, what are humans and what is the meaning etc and I can imagine the thoughts would ruminate in your head for hours and become s a cycle. You definitely don't need to worry and I know people who are both going through the same issues and people who are going through different issues will be able to help you on this site as it's very friendly and non judgemental.
Take care x

09-11-12, 12:40

I am completely stumped by what you say but you need help and IMO the ladies on here can guide you in the right direction, and I am sure they will xx

whats IMO???

---------- Post added at 12:27 ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 ----------

Hi Joanne and welcome :)
Just wanted to say well done for opening up about your fears. I don't personally deal with the same anxieties as you but I can tell you that what you have said is such a common fear on this site. I've heard many people say they constantly wonder why we're here, what are humans and what is the meaning etc and I can imagine the thoughts would ruminate in your head for hours and become s a cycle. You definitely don't need to worry and I know people who are both going through the same issues and people who are going through different issues will be able to help you on this site as it's very friendly and non judgemental.
Take care x

thank you !!!!

---------- Post added at 12:40 ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 ----------

Sorry to here your suffering.Ive been suffering from anxiety since my first breakdown in 1966 thank God a bit of progress has been made since those"pull yourself together days.I am also in recovery for alcholism,have been sober a day at a time for 30 years and find by opening up at my meetings and to close friends this helps.Do not feel embaressed!take care twrsilckcut

thank you

09-11-12, 12:51
IMO= In My Opinion .

09-11-12, 17:41
:welcome: I find this site very helpful and I'm sure you will to.

09-11-12, 18:31
Hey chick, Im new, 24/f/ ky. I can relate to ur thought of "why am I thinking this" ....for the past 8 months I cannot get out of my head that Iam dieing and since then become a hypochondriac. I still know that these thoughts are off the wall so I have not completely lost it but I just wanted to let you know ur not alone! If you wld like to chat I wld love it!

09-11-12, 19:14
Hi Joanne
:hugs: and:welcome: I have episodes of depersonalisation and what you talk
about sounds similar....have a read up on here there's lots of posts on it.....here if you need to chat