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View Full Version : A big thankyou to you all !

08-11-12, 17:28
Hello Everyone,

I am new to this forum, although i have been visiting it many times over the past few months, i have only just been brave enough to post my worries!

A little about me: I'm a 22 year old female student who has always been a bit of a worrier! I always put it down to being a Cancer :) they're known worriers and i sure do worry excessively!

My health anxiety started back last december when i went to the doctor not feeling too great and she said i had very swollen glands. To be honest, she took some bloods and never got back to me, so i assumed all was good and felt fine in a week! My downfall was google. I decided to google swollen glands one day and suddenly was on all sorts of websites about Lymphoma! To be honest, i hadn't even heard of this cancer and now i feel like im a complete expert! I was obsessed! constantly feeling my glands, convinced i was having pain after drinking alcohol, itchy skin, you name it! I was in Australia from January to July, and it just seemed to worsen. Eventually i plucked up the courage to visit the doctor and i just told him the honest truth! They were fantastic, i had CBC done , CRP , ESR , Liver Functions and a chest x ray, as well as a physical exam , to which he confirmed no swollen lymph nodes! He said " im quite confident its nothing to serious".

It is now November and i can't believe i am still getting myself in a state over this. From April i have had five blood tests and , visited every GP in my practice who have said its nothing to worry about as well as paying for online replies from Doctors.

With so much reassurance i cannot understand why i have still convinced myself there is something sinister going on!

So today i decided enough is enough. I have stuck in at uni with all my work , and constantly kept myself busy, whether it be gym classes or coffees with friends, and when i sit down at the end of the day, i realise, i haven't thought about it once nor have felt any "symptoms".

Perhaps, the times when i let my mind wonder my anxiety takes over and suddenly im itching all over and experiencing chest pains.

Anyway, i would like to thank everyone on this forum as i have found great comfort in your posts about how to get over this and feel much better that i am not alone! Hopefully i will look back on this and laugh at what a state i got myself into , but knowing me it will probably be something new next week:D

I Hope you don't mind me getting this off my chest!

Love Lou

08-11-12, 17:30
Hi Lou :welcome: Pleased that you have already found lots of support on this site :)