View Full Version : starbursts and halos

08-11-12, 17:49
Hi guys

I posted yesterday about some weird visual stuff and realised I'd missed s bit!

Wondering how many of us get starbursts and halos round lights at night?

I do not surebif it's a new thing or not tbh.

In last month I've had dilated eye exam at eye casualty and standard eye exam at opttions too. Both said eyes pressure etc were fine

Any ideas?


08-11-12, 17:51
The thing of concern regarding starbursts and haloes at night is that your eye pressure is high, but if you've had your pressure checked twice in the last month, it really should be fine. Maybe chat with your optometrist/optician about it the next time you see them? You don't get eye pain as well, do you?

08-11-12, 17:54
I get these weird lights in both eyes In fact had a episode last week, and freaked out. They last for about 15 minutes. Have had eyes tested and all fine.

08-11-12, 18:58
I get eye pain but I think that's because I have quite bad eye strain from using computers wring prescription etc. I asked optician about glaucoma and optic neuritis he said I was fine.

Worried now

08-11-12, 19:03
I get weird flashes and stuff from time to time, I have never really noticed them or worried about them. I vet coloured spots and sometimes, this sounds stupid, but I feel that I can see the atoms that make up air! Hmmm you have got me a bit worried now ...

08-11-12, 20:16
Apologies for the spelling stupid phone.

Surely if I had a problem with eyes it would have been picked up??!!

I think I've had these halos for a ling time cos I never thought it was weird until googled ighet eye symptoms.

Bel x

08-11-12, 20:40
I see Halos around lights, like at night if I look at streetlamps, I can see huge circles around the lights. Huge orbs that surround the light are quite common and when I ask what company I'm with if they too can see the halos, they say they can. Starbursts are normal with anxiety and you may suffer from palinopsia which is a benign, normal condition in which we see visual disturbances more frequently. Also, anxiety makes us vigilant and that worsens out perception of visual disturbances. If your eye doctor gives you the all clear, you should be fine. :)

Normally Optometrists, I think, can see the optic nerve and the eye itself would give off warning signs to something worse.