View Full Version : Met 3 Amazing Cancer Patients

08-11-12, 17:57
Wow today while in the hospital ward i was talking with three older women that had been diagnosed with cancer. They were amazing , laughing , singing and one of them just said to me LIVE EVERY DAY , NO MATTER WHAT . It was just amazing how they were so overjoyed despite being connected to numerous machines and generally being in a bad state the mood was just Amazing! So Inspirational!

08-11-12, 18:23
my brother in law had cancer he was the bravest man Ive ever known ,he would always be positive ,he was always more concerned about others and how they where feeling not how he was feeling ,always had a smile and a joke ,his only concern was leaving his family and how they would cope without him sadly he lost his fight late last month he is gone but never forgotten he was like you say amazing and inspirational xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs: