View Full Version : more vague symptoms! argh!

08-11-12, 18:36
I am fed up of having some new random symptom every few days!
Just now I have a really itchy leg, the pain in my ribs has come back and is spreading to my back now, I also have a dry cough and sore throat, and possibly swollen lymph nodes in my neck. My armpits are both itchy and i have a sore patch behind my ear, and at the other side I have got a sore scalp.

This sounds so stupid I know, but I still can't shake the idea off that there is something seriously wrong with me! I feel daft going to my doctor with such random minor ailments as I know that individually I probably would barely notice them, it just feels like I am falling apart and have the body of an old woman despite the fact I am only 23! =[

08-11-12, 19:19
hi lo89

i know exactly how you feel its horrible isnt it, im convinced im dying, i also have rib and back pain also chest pain, i just keep reading all the other posts and they all say are anxiety and muscle tension. im booked in at the docs on monday as i cant go on like this as i have a baby boy to look after, have you seen a doctor? xx

08-11-12, 19:47
Have everything but the sore throat! Collar bone hurting and shoulder tonight and nodes behind ear really sore today for some reason! Rib pain as usual is there. I have now developed pain in pelvis for some reason! Like you I just cannot go back to GP with a load more symptoms. I am 33 and feel like I am completely falling to bits.

08-11-12, 20:31
Snap...feel exactly like that too...guess we are all falling apart xxx

08-11-12, 21:26
HI all I cant take know more worring over lymph node in groin its making me feel ill been doctors loads of times, and now today he said that my bloods are all in range apart from needing iron tablets and that some people can feel there groin lymph nodes and as long as they dont get bigger than a large pea forget about them why cant i trust him????????????? anyone else have this problem feel like iam all alone and iam a mum and 35 i shouldnt be feeling like this

08-11-12, 22:03
hiya, i am exactly the same with pain in the left ribs under armpit leading round to back, it started weeks ago with a bad back when my anxiety at its worse, the back has now calmed down but under armpit and towards back feels swollen and tender, so worrying, yesterday had a sharp pain in chest like a heaviness but went in a few seconds but was driving at time and was terrified.feel my left shoulder and all left upper back is not right :(