View Full Version : Moving home saturday

08-11-12, 18:38
So I move home on Saturday, I'm a housebound agoraphobic, so this isn't an easy thing to do. My dr prescribed me some diazepam to help, obviously I'm nervous about taking it, what if it doesn't work or if I get side effects etc. I'm half packed the house, slacking mostly due to anxiety about it, I hate change.

Anyway, my Internet gets cut off tomorrow and reconnected at the new address on the 12th.

I try to look on the positives but it's so hard when my safety zone will no longer be safe because I won't be there.

Another thing i was wondering, daft question probably but ... Is all panic the same? Is it the fear that determains the panic. I mean ok, I walk to my gate, panic... I get into a taxi, I panic. Is it the fear that determains the panic, because obviously a taxi ride is further than a walk to my gate, would the panic be equally as bad? Or would the taxi ride be worse? It sounds daft but if panic is panic, it wouldn't matter On distance or even on the fear. Does the panic attack get worse the greater the fear ? If a panic attack can only reach a certain peak then come down, surely the fear wouldn't matter?

Sorry, didn't mean to go on and ramble away

08-11-12, 18:51
Expecting to panic can cause the panic..and it sounds like you are already saying you are going to get a panic attack but you might not. Just tell yourself, what is the worse thing that can happen if you do have a panic attack? You are not going to die from it, it will soon pass. I am sure the diazepam will help you and keep you calm. I take them before flying and for some hospital appointments and they manage to keep me calm and hold of the panic attacks. Look past the journey and the move date and see how much better it will be for you in your new home :bighug1::bighug1: xx

08-11-12, 20:15
Your right, thanks.

I was just downstairs helping the hubby pack and it suddenly all overwhelmed me. I just ran upstairs in pure terror. My thoughts will not slow down, all I'm getting is the negativity and panic. My safety zone is slowly becoming empty of all my things, my belongings packed away and ready to be carted off.

I wish it was all over with and I was already in the house feeling calm and relieved after it all being over. Thats all I'm trying to focus on right now , the feeling I'll have when it's all over and done with and were in a nice home.

Still hard to stop the horrible panic though, gotta keep on I guess, fight it, let it float on past and do it's thing. So easy to say lol!!

Thankyou again Annie, your continued support has been very much appreciated x

08-11-12, 20:20
I told you I would be with you through the move and I will be :) You won't get rid of me that easy :D It will soon be all over with. Moves are such stressful times but more so when you are anxious to start with and not used to going out but you can do it and you know it is for the best. :hugs::hugs: xx

09-11-12, 09:33
Arrgh. My partner is furious because I haven't helped, I'm just laid in bed refusing to move out of pure panic, mum just went to collect my diazepam. Im not liking this, I'm so uptight and tense from all the panic, barely slept and dreading tomorrow

09-11-12, 10:04
be strong my friend you can do it

09-11-12, 10:08
In a couple of days this will all be in the past...take those diazipam and think ahead to when you are settled in your lovely new house. Max is right, you CAN do this :hugs::hugs: xx

09-11-12, 12:11
Well I took the diazepam, feel much better. Still a little edgy but it's manageable. I'm back packing now.

09-11-12, 14:15
That-girl, great job!:yesyes: You are going to do just fine. Moving is stressful, but you will be soooooooo busy, you will not have time to get anxious. I always stress, and imagine the worst, and it usually ends up, not nearly as bad as I thought. You are going to do a fine job! Good luck with your move. Can't wait to hear how you did! :hugs:Debbi

09-11-12, 16:14
Hi there

I moved house two years ago whilst being severely agoraphobic. Before I moved, I was asking myself all the questions that are going through your head at the moment.

To cut a long stroy short. Moving day wasn't anywhere near as stressful as I thought it would be and I immediately felt at home. I am now doing amazingly well and I am kicking this agoraphobias ass at long last.

Was the best thing I ever did and I hope it works out the same for you.

Best of luck


09-11-12, 17:36
That's great news! I'm glad it's working out for you!

09-11-12, 18:27
Just checking in to see how you are doing since I said I will stick with you through this :) xxx

09-11-12, 21:00
I'm not too bad, laid in bed right now, exhausted! But I feel ok. I believe tomorrow will go ok even though it still scares the hell out of me lol! But I have diazepam, should I need it.

Thankyou so so much :) I shall report back soon, take care.

09-11-12, 21:03
Have a good nights sleep...This time tomorrow you will be in bed in your lovely new house :D :hugs::hugs: xx

10-11-12, 01:16
Aww hun I know exactly how you're feeling right now. I too had to move 4 years ago when I was completely housebound with agoraphobia. I felt the same dread and fear as you are hun.

I was very fortunate in that I had lots of friends and family helping, they did the trips backwards and forwards so that I would only have to go out once, and once I was there I was there.

The good news is that it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I had imagined. I did feel a little unsettled at first, which I think is normal for anyone anyway, but I didn't get the panic that I thought I would.

If you can, try to get one room as ready as you can and as comfortable as you can, I chose my bedroom, so we got all that done first. Then if you feel you need a bolt hole away from the stress, you have that room to go in. Have all your homely, comforting things in that room, I had my radio as listening to music always helps me.

I then spent some days moving around the place, getting used to the different rooms and telling myself "ok this is my new home and I'm going to feel just as much at home as I did before"

Even the journey from A to B wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be. The thing is when we're suffering from this awful panic is that we feed ourselves more fear, we don't realize we're doing it but we are, I have always found the anticipation far worse than the event, because I would think up all these different scenarios until I had successfully frightened myself half to death!!! lol......the reality of the whole thing was completely different.

You will do fine hun, I'm rooting for you and I'll be with you in thought, it's going to be fine hun :yesyes:

10-11-12, 07:24
Thankyou guys :) it's moving day and I'm all panicked up etc. But I know tonight will come faster than I think and I'll be settled in bed watching tv lol I'm just getting me and my son dressed before all the family come to start the move.

Thankyou again and I'll see you on the other side :D

10-11-12, 09:31
still here with you :) You will be just fine. Auntie Moosie gave some good advise there. Get you bedroom sorted first then if you feel exhausted you have your bed to crash out on :D Hope to hear from you later from your nice new home :hugs: xx

10-11-12, 18:44
Hi...How is it going? lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

10-11-12, 18:46
Hope it's gone well for you :)

11-11-12, 02:27
Hope the big day went well, please let us know!:)

14-11-12, 07:03
Hi all, Thankyou for all your support :)

Im using a mobile dongle for internet since the internet provider screwed up our phone and internet dates!

The move went awesome, LOVED traveling here, was the first time i saw my son in a car, so was brilliant.

I was perscribed 15x5mg diazepam, only used 2, 1 the day before and 1 on the day.

It's silly how we get all fear goggled about things lol. My house is in chaos,obviously, so i have soo much to do. but 1 day at a time :)

Ive even been out a couple of times, only onto -the street, but still an acomplishment :)

Thankyou all again, i will update when there is less chaos :)

Becci x x x

14-11-12, 09:59
Aww Becci, I am so pleased to hear this..well done you!!:yahoo: All that worry and you did so well..I hope this is going to be a good start for you... onwards and upwards :yesyes: xxx

14-11-12, 12:39
Glad it went OK x