View Full Version : Advice for anyone with dizzyness/head pressure

14-08-06, 18:43
I have been to the doctors today about my dizzyness and head pressure, and thought i'd post what he said in case it helps others (although some may know this already)

He said it can be caused by the muscles in your neck and head going into spasm. He suggested stretching neck muscles by moving head up/down, side to side, and so it rests on each shoulder. After that, you should massage your neck and all over your head. Apparantly if I do this 3 or 4 times a day I should notice an improvement in about 4 days.

I'm gonna start doing this from tonight, so hopefully it'll work...!

14-08-06, 20:25
H Lc,

Thanks for that I'm gonna give it a go as I get lots of tension in my neck. Thank you.

Take Care

