View Full Version : Fed up and dizzy

08-11-12, 19:25
Ok so felt dizzy for 4 days straight now i get palpitations when i think to much about it but i have accepted and moved on from them. I know its prob nuffin serious but still dosnt stop my subconcious screaming that there is! Is it my sinus's or the sertraline side effects. The doctor says to stay with the sertraline as i need to get stable on a tablet because every single tablet ive tried in the past has done the same. I just hate the side effects. How long will this hell last just cant function at the min.

08-11-12, 19:32
I've been dizzy on an off for about 5 weeks now. When I eventually went to docs they said my ears were full of fluid and have me a nasal spray which cleared the vertigo up. But over the past week my neck has been aching and the back of my head feels as if it's not attached to my body. I'm now convinced I have a brain tumour. I keep trying to think its the anxiety and maybe the side effects of escitalopram which I've just started.

I feel for you, this dizziness is awful and probably the worst symptom for me.


08-11-12, 19:47
Same here i hate feeling stuff in my head i dont mind tummy ache or even aching limbs but my head is so annoying i wanna get angry but im sooo scared of falling over or losing control of my panic that i try and rationalise it. Im gonna try taking my meds at night to see if it makes a difference. I know it cant be anything bad coz only just had me bloods done and thet were all normal. Grrrrrr