View Full Version : introducing myself

14-08-06, 19:13
hiya, ive been using this site now for a few weeks but havent yet got round to introducing myself. my name is shell and im 18. i come from walsall. im using this site since i was asked to join by a friend. i think it is a brill site. i dont actually suffer with panic but im suffering quite badly from stess at the moment. i find it hard to tell people about it too, but i want to learn to talk about my problems. xx

14-08-06, 19:24
its so good not to keep them in

were here to listen if you need us

take care


14-08-06, 19:55
hello all melvyn from south wales here been suffering anxiety and panic attack on and off for the last 20 years or so. I am currently trying to come off my medication(seroxat paroxatine) which I have been on for the last six years I found these a great help in alleviating my symptoms . I am glad I found this site as it explians many of my symptoms and feelings somthing that my doctors and counsellers failed to do. It will be of great help to me.

14-08-06, 20:21
Hi Shell,Hi Melvyn,

A big warm welcome to both of you. We are all help for each other so we don't feel alone.

Take Care



14-08-06, 20:47
Hi Shell
welcome to the site im from Brownhills, not far from you eh!, you will soon find that you can discuss anything on here and theres always someone who will listen

Take Care

Denise :D

14-08-06, 20:53
Hi Shell and Mervyn,

Welcome to the site, Im fairly new too but have found some great advice here

Take care

Clare (",)

14-08-06, 21:06
Hi Shell & Mervyn

Welcome to the site, you will find lots of useful information about anxiety and stress here.


14-08-06, 21:59
hello shell & mervyn
welcome to the site, im also new here but joining here is the best thing ive done in ages, you will make lots of friends here, people who really understand what your going through, and will offer you advice & support if they can,
take care kym xx

14-08-06, 22:39
Hi Shell,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

polly daydream
15-08-06, 00:13
Hi Shell and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


15-08-06, 08:05
Welcome to the forum
love Helen

15-08-06, 08:09
Hi Shell,

Welcome to the forum :D

Shell and Den, I'm nearby as well, Great Barr!


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

15-08-06, 09:32
welcome to the forum x

Hay x

Granny Primark
15-08-06, 12:03
Hi my 2nd daughter,
Known each other for 3 years and weve always had a brill relationship.
I know sug whats going on in your life at the mo and i do feel for you.
You are so much like me in so many ways. i.e. if your not worried about something your worried cus youve got nothing to worry about.
Shell things will sort themselves out i know that for sure but just give it time.
Im always here for you and there are plenty of other people on this site who will be more than willing to give you help and support.
Take care sug
Love you loads

p.s. A big welcome to you also.

15-08-06, 18:18
Hello All,

I`m Caroline from Scotland, just joined forum after reading about it on another website..

I have suffered Panic disorder/GAD/Agraphobia for 12 years, having counselling/psychology treatment at present got a lot of help and support also from a great friend who suffers herself.
Had a few ups and downs lately which has set me back a little had a panic attack on Friday although i did manage to control it :-) but since it has made me more frightened of going out or even feelings of living with this anymore :-(!

I had a stressful childhood due to parents being alcoholics in which i was taken into care, placed in children/foster homes, was abused which has resulted in PTSD, hence panic disorder!

I`m married with three children well two are quite grown up now 19 & 17 youngest is 11 all boys! I work in community with mental health clients which at present i am of work, also doing an online psychology course. So thats all about me, look forward to chatting to others glad i joined...

Luvvas Caroline..x..

16-08-06, 12:04
Hi Shell, melvyn and Caroline and welcome to the NMP forum. You'll find lots of help and support here.

Take care

'This too will pass'

16-08-06, 12:19
Hi. Just found this site and am hoping talking to other sufferers will help somehow. Have suffered from panic attacks and agoraphobia for 12 years now, that's half my life and it all seems to have gotten out of control lately.I live in a small town and that's where I stay. I live there and work there and get massive panic attacks if I try drive further than that.Im feeling very stuck and unhappy becuase my life is just passing me by and even though Im on medication and seeing a counsellor, nothing seems to be happening for me.

16-08-06, 12:22
Hi Caroline,

A big warm welcome also to you.

Take Care



16-08-06, 12:24
Hi Leah,

A big warm welcome to you too. Everyone here is so friendly and helpful and you will get lots of advice as we are all here for each other. Hope to talk to you soon.

Take Care



16-08-06, 19:24
i just want to thank everyone for their kind comments. xxx

16-08-06, 19:25
Hi Mandy, thankyou :-)

Leah hi im new here to hope it helps you, also a chat room i went their last-night and the ppl were all friendly and chatty..
Thankyou to all who were their and made me feel really welcome :-)

Caroline x

16-08-06, 19:42
Hi shell and welcome hope you find out alot here i did lots of good people also best to yas.....Linda[8D]