View Full Version : Anybody else feel like they could lose their mind? It's really scary!

amber angel
08-11-12, 21:37
Ever since my first panic attack I have not felt myself at all.

I think so negatively and feel so down all the time. I want so much to be the person I was before this happened to be happy and cheery and also not to panic every time I have to socialise! I used to love a good night out!

I feel when I am alone that I over think and my brain goes into overdrive.
I am scared sometimes because I feel like I am holding onto my sanity and that it could snap at any moment. I also feel agitated a lot and like I could just hit somebody or do something out of character.... and for absolutely no reason!
I know I would never do it :blush: but I just hate even having the urge. It's not me!!

People say it is just my anxiety. Whatever it is.... it is completely terrifying and the thought of me losing my mind and not having control over myself makes me want to cry. Picturing my family having to deal with it or picturing myself in a mental home.

This is very frustrating. Please tell me I am not the only one!

Thanks for reading x

08-11-12, 21:50
The fact that you are worrying that you are losing your mind I think shows that you are not :) It is just how you feel sometimes when you are suffering from anxiety. I mentioned this to my doctor and he assured me I wasn't x

08-11-12, 21:51
Hello amber.. you are describing exactly what I think when in a panic or panicking I am going to have a panic! They are just thoughts.. you must remeber that. you haven't got an urge to do it, you have a fear of doing it but it is just thoughts and they will pass :)

Are you any tablets for your anxiety as I found they seemed to increase the thoughts a little especially in the beginning x

amber angel
08-11-12, 22:17
Thanks guys!

Its hard to convince yourself you are ok when you don't have a clue why you are feeling like this!

Yes I am taking citalopram 20mg I have to say I felt a million times worse when I first started taking them. Heard that is very common though xx

08-11-12, 22:23
Absolutely.. see how rational you are being now :) They're just thoughts. Try and ignore them and carry on with your day.. easier said than done I know especially when feeling poorly too but we have 2 choices.. sit and dwell on them or keep occupied until they go away :hugs: x

09-11-12, 00:08
I feel the same way x