View Full Version : Chills every month before and during period

08-11-12, 21:40
Does anyone else get this?
I'm starting to worry there is something wrong with me. Every month without fail before my period I get almost flu like symptoms: chills etc.
I also get chills and a general feeling of being unwell during. I read somewhere it could be an iron deficency, does this sound right?

08-11-12, 21:49
Every month with my period I get a temperature, for a few days before, also nausea. I know this is completely normal :hugs:

08-11-12, 21:56
I have always had this, although it used to be a lot worse. I also get mouth ulcers and bad sinuses every month before my period. I am thinking of getting my iron levels checked but I have had them checked many times in the past when I had these symptoms and they have always come back normal. I think it is the shift in hormones that causes this.

08-11-12, 22:04
hiya, i also get chills, runnynose constantly and feel crap about a week before my period, i also keep getting low ferritin (iron stores) aswell probably from heavy periods ect... i have to have my blood checked every 3 months for iron deficency which always come back as low

08-11-12, 22:12
Reading this I might get my iron checked, as this has really only got bad again for me since my periods came back after breastfeeding my children. My periods are really heavy now so it could be an iron thing. I would be happy if I could take iron supplements and it would make things better!